It had only been a matter of time before humanity came across a virus that no vaccine could cure. Virus 146. If one were to put cosign 666 in their calculator, that would be the number received. It was a virus so bad that everyone was sure it was straight from Hell itself so they took a number straight out of a mathematical sequence called "Evil Numbers." The first symptoms were similar to a flu. Then from there it was a slow descent of the complete wearing down of all organs and weakening of the body. By the third day, the victim was in a state of complete madness, paranoid and unaware of their surroundings. Then most would die within the fourth day. Some people may have made it to the fifth day but it was no blessing to live longer with a virus this terrible. The world was in hysterics of course. It wasn't long after many tearful, awful deaths that the populations dwindled down to most cities being ghost towns. Those that survived made gated communities in which anyone infected would be shot on sight. However, within these communities, people took extreme precautions to keep the virus out until they can come up with a cure. People felt safe. It has been 10 years since the worldwide population had dwindled to the hundred thousands from the pandemic. Communities have some contact with each other but no one is allowed outside their walls. Within the US, there are 12 large communities. There state can be told but their exact location is left unknown. They are not within any major, popular cities. Within Community 11, a siren blares through the whole area, warning of infected. 10 younger survivors ranging 16-25 would be thus pulled from their households. Photo Name: Age: Gender: Height: Weight: Deceased family?: Currently living with: Community: