[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GEVLC0H.png[/img] Mentions - [@Squirrel98] [/center] [b][i][color=#a341bb]Whatever this Allison Parker is, she flails about like a worm out of the dirt. Is it a common characteristic of her race? Quite unsightly, I must say.[/color][/i][/b] Nebulosa thought to herself as she watched Ally flop backwards and lay there quietly for quite a few moments. Nebulosa took the brief moments to look over the space they would be sharing. Her side of the room didn't have the strange sleeping apparatus that Ally's did, but rather the sleeping pod Nebulosa was more accustomed to. [b][i][color=#a341bb]Praise be to Venestia for small miracles. It seems that rectangular box that Allison is on is their version of a pod. How they manage to be comfortable on that is beyond me.[/color][/i][/b] Nebulosa's attention snapped back to Ally when the girl finally spoke, however, before Nebulosa herself could respond there was a knock at the door. When Ally screamed, Nebulosa flinched at the abrupt noise. Her minions responded to the situation by arranging themselves protectively in front of Nebulosa to shield her from harm. Nebulosa waved them down when she realized that all it was was Ally's companion, a small furry creature with ridiculously big ears on it's head. [b][color=#a341bb] “Ally and Max, how quaint. Is it sentient, or simply some sort of boorish creature you let accompany you? Also, I am famished, let us walk to an eating station and gain nourishment while we converse.” [/color][/b]