[b]Azriel Lilith[/b] Azriel was with Sky at the time when Dust arrived. She stayed quiet while Sky spoke to him and Ahrah then when Sky left, one other arrived and began to talk to Ahrah. Knowing how Sky was with humans however she had heard Ahrah tell Dust he was going to gather the other users of the Legendary Swords. These must be one of those users. She gave a small smile and spoke up shyly. "Excuse me, but I must ask you who you are. Those must be one of the legendary swords, so you will be very welcome within the city. My name is Azriel, one of the Nimbats here." She gave a friendly smile to Vlad as she flew in the air in front of him, looking down towards the floor. [b]King Malson[/b] King Malson laughed loudly, it seemed there was a Nimbat who was attacking the humans. She had killed one King already and apparently had created magic. He stood up slowly and rose his scythe. "Men, rise. We shall set forth at once. Together, we shall show the puny little pixie that we are to be feared." The soliders cheered loudly as King Malson began to walk toward the exit of the castle followed by his men. [b]Korta[/b] Korta was just informed that one of the Ten Kings of Power had been killed, and apparently magic had been created. She gave a small nod and stood herself up. She knew it would be foolish to attack this Nimbat right now, whoever she was. Instead her goal was to learn this new concept of magic and with it she would be able to defend the tribe better, and perhaps be able to stand a chance against this new threat. "Thank you for telling me. Tell everyone to start training immediately. We need to try and learn how to use magic." The man nodded and imeddiately went off. With that Korta headed off to her own personal training room. [b]Ra[/b] Ra was in his kindom when Inferno spoke to him, telling him that he was to go to the Nimbat City, for he was being called. Of course he was, he was one of the wielders of the Legendary Swords. He held out Inferno and suddenly flames wrapped around him. In an instant, he was swallowed by those flames. A moment later in the city of Nimbats, the ground burst into flames. Those flames quickly formed and Ra appeared. He stepped forward and looked around, quickly recognising Ahrah and Bloodfang. "So, what are we doing here?" He stepped forward slowly and waited for Ahrah to explain himself, knowing that he was the one who had called all the Legendary Swords throughn the link that they all shared.