There were quiet murmurs among the infinites, and a few shouts to Davis from some of the louder ones. But the mastermind did not respond. He made eye contact with no one, he didn't smile, and he most certainly didn't answer anyone. When Max got up to walk away, he heard a gunshot, followed by something brushing against his nose. If he looked to the wall opposite of Davis, he would see a small bullet hole. If he looked inside the cage, he would see a carnage sister wearing glasses. [b]”Police officer.”[/b] The robot was holding a smoking handgun. [b]”The only way in and out of the court is using the roller-coaster. Surely you remember the fifty foot vertical drops on your way here?”[/b] She adjusted her glasses. [b]”The lowest rails are a hundred feet off the ground, which is not something you'd know since everything is shrouded in darkness. I doubt even your brother could have scaled such an obstacle.”[/b] [color=Tomato]“I'm sure Emily and Thomas know who this is, but everyone else, this is Kyra.”[/color] Davis extended an arm towards the carnage sister. [color=Tomato]“She is one of the finest nurses this establishment has. Axis Mundi is the best hospital in the world, and our patients only get the best treatment.”[/color] [b]”I've actually appeared in this game before.”[/b] She turned to look at Cyrus. [b]”Politician, did you find your room satisfactory? It was in complete disarray when you left it. If you continue to experience these severe mood swings, we could start treating you with lithium. Though it would require some alterations to your diet. You would need to lower your salt consumption and increase your water intake.”[/b] Davis paced around the new sister. [color=Tomato]“But I have come to do more than introduce your new caretaker.”[/color] he surveyed the infinites. [color=Tomato]“As a bonus for coming so far, I would like to give Krista a question. Perhaps not as precious as the phone call Justiciar stole from her, but there are no strings attached this time. Regardless of what you ask, I will answer honestly. ”[/color] Krista didn't need to think. She immediately asked Davis if her brother was okay. [color=Tomato]“You mean Herman Müller?”[/color] Davis smiled. [color=Tomato]“He is safe, far away from this place. Last I heard, he found the love of his life.”[/color] [color=#bd71e8]“What a total waste.”[/color] Jezebel grumbled to herself. [color=#bd71e8]“That so shouldn't surprise anyone at this point. Bleh!”[/color] Davis adjusted his vest. [color=Tomato]“Now if you excuse me...”[/color] [color=lightblue]“Wait!”[/color] Emily cried out. [color=lightblue]“You just came here for that?”[/color] She leaned forwards. [color=lightblue]“Shouldn't you do something more special? Something for all of us?”[/color] The mastermind folded his arms. [color=Tomato]“I gave Krista one question. If you think her question was selfish or underwhelming, you can take that up with her.”[/color] [color=lightblue]“Just tell us why you're doing this!”[/color] Emily's eyes squinted shut. [color=lightblue]“It doesn't have to be an honest or satisfying answer, I just want us to have something. We deserve that much!”[/color] But Davis didn't respond. He simply waited for the elevator to carry him below the trial floor. As soon as he was out of sight, the other carnage sisters arived. Geina immidiately ran over to Felix's side. [b]”FUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuu...”[/b] She cried out before sinking to her knees. [b]”Daddy wouldn't let me save him!”[/b] Willow sighed.[b]”I can't believe that Nariko offered herself up. She'd been threatening to do it for years.”[/b] Alexandria chuckled.[b]”Golly gee willikers Willow, I thought that was you for a second!”[/b] [color=magenta]”Oh girls?”[/color] Monokuma hovered the mallet over the button. [color=magenta]”Daddy's job is really hard, and he needs you to focus and get these patients back where they belong.”[/color] While the carnage sisters hurried everyone back into the roller coaster, Davis had safely slipped away into a room below. [color=Tomato]“Well, seems everything's going according to plan. What did you think?”[/color] The individual didn't move from his spot in the darkness. [b]”How boring.”[/b] [center] [h1] [sub][sub]Patients Left:[/sub][/sub] [color=Magenta]Infinite?[/color] [sub][sub]Death Count:[/sub][/sub] [color=Magenta]11[/color][/h1] [img][/img][/center] [sub]ty for art [@Warpcircuit][/sub]