[@BrokenPromise] That's actually a really interesting take because it's a potential solution to a problem I'll inevitably run into with [i]Tear the World Down[/i]. There's a character duality, a physical character and a guiding spirit, and per the lore there's 12 of these guiding spirits. That's pretty much written in blood & stone and cannot be changed. The problem I'm in is what happens when a character who's already been written into the story a substantial degree has to drop? (or in a real case I'm having to deal with, ejected for inactivity.) Per the lore, the character can die and the spirit has to select another chosen to place in their tutelage. I've so far felt like forcing join-in-progress players to choose from a prefab list of spirits they didn't write (previously an important element of character creation) plus all the history of that spirit in the RP thusfar would be too off-putting to potential players and severely hurt my ability to get new blood in to replace old. I kind of want to adopt this now reading your thoughts but at the same time I'm concerned about that possible outcome. The last thing I want to do is suffocate my RP slowly by making such an experimental & unconventional move.