Despite everything, Saerin found it within herself to return the smiles she received from the crowd, especially the halfling girl. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to be admired, and while she certainly didn't want to return to her days in the arena, there was something pleasantly familiar about being looked up to by someone. The walk through Cedarport was suprisingly therapeutic. Even with such a rough introduction to this town (Saerin was happy in the belief she'd never see those imbeciles again), Saerin was beginning to enjoy herself. The scene was peaceful, bordering on idyllic, and as Saerin walked she began to grow more and more uncharacteristicly optimistic. She thought of her job with the Esperglows and what she'd spend the payment on. Rescuing her family was an obvious start, but what then? Life-threatening work pays well, perhaps only one or two jobs and she could afford a home. Maybe develop a reputation as a mercenary, build up a fortune and buy a manor where she and her family could live... Back to the present. Guards, asking for identification. Not a problem. Saerin presented the necessary documentation, introducing herself at the same time, "Saerin Vitaya, mercenary on contract under the Esperglow family, here to find out what the job is. Good enough for you?"