Damien and Kai Damien and Kai heard the reports of the 10th kings death and about the creation of magic Kai sent out his scouts to the other kingdoms as he headed for the city of nimbats to investigate this strange new power while Damien decided to remain in his kingdom for now as Kai drew closer to the city Pixie broadcasted the destruction of the 10th kingdom this distraction allowed Kai to walk right in to thier city Kai took a look around and saw everyone gathering around Dust Kai just watch and listened for now after the broadcast Damien realized the raw destructive power of magic and headed to the nimbats city as fast as he his horse could carry him however he was stoped at the gates by a few guards "out of my way peasants i do not have time to deal with your kind right now" Vlad Dracula Vlad was not happy with Ahrah he couldn't believe he had the nerve to call him to this meeting and withhold his explanation after seeing the broadcast he realized there was more important matters to attend to bue before he left he heard Ahrah advice the others Vlad laughed at his pathetic plan while Bloodfang began to glow as he spoke to Ahrah "so the sword of knowledge lacks the inelegance to effectively annalies the situation and devise a plan to deal with the problem at hand I'm actually a little disappointed its obvious pixie is still learning how to use her powers she will not attack all the kingdoms at once rather she will target the 9th kingdom but the most effective way to prevent the destruction of that kingdom is to kill pixie before she leaves the ruins of the 10th there we will not have to worry about collateral damage nor cavilans getting in the way" After Bloodfang spoke Vlad looked to the others "i will deal with this pest before she has the chance to cause any more damage" With that he opened a portal to the 10th kingdom as he stepped though it closed behind him Vlad took a deep breth he could taste all the death in the air he looked around and saw one savior a young boy who was on the verge of death Vlad could sense his will to live and his thirst for revenge he knelt downn beside him and summoned his stronggest soul Amidamaru a skilled samiri who once cut down a thousand warriors before taking his last breth he placed Amidamarus spirit inside the young boy as the two because one thier individual power would increase explanatorily the boy opened his eyes as he clothes suddenly change into the outfit Amidamaru once wore Oshikuru stood up ready to fight Vlad Dracula and Oshikuru The two looked to pixie as Vlad used his magic to start a new broadcast he spoke with a sadistic smile on his face "you turned this place into a graveyard well that make things a hell of a lot easier" As he said this he was absorbing the souls of the dead that was scattered around the battle field "although before you celebrate your victory over all of humanity don't you think you should at least test your new powers against the stronggest kingdom celebrating your victory over the weakest of humanity only prove the 10th king was right about you you really are just a pathetic little pixie" Vlad threw bloodfang at pixie if it hit her it would drain all the blood form her body and if she evaded bloodfang would transform into its monster form and fire a light blast at her powerful enough to vaporizer her if she evaded that Vlad would set up a blood crystal mirror to reflect it back at her while Oshikuru would grow wings made out of his scarf and fly to pixies side with his sword drawn he would slash at her attempting to cut her in half as the reflected light blast headed for pixie if she evaded both attacks Oshikuru would use his sword to reflect the light blast at pixie once again while Vlad would teleport behind her and with tendrils made of acidic blood attempt to imple pixie as the light blast headed for pixie once again if she evaded yet again Vlad would reflect it back at her one last time