[center]Sonya continued to dodge cars and trucks, from left to right, and repeating the pattern. Her focus were on the obstacles before her, and the only instinct was to, obviously, avoid them. As much as resting in the city was optional, sometimes it felt right to sleep with the natures of the night, but a gut-feeling told her to stay in the city. She continued to follow the lights down the road, with Sonic in tow, until something caught the attention of her green eyes. With a skid on the ground, she came to a screeching halt near an alley way. Walking inside, she took glances around her; at the objects; at the many surfaces. The many possibilities. Looking down, she spotted some sticks; thick enough to hold, and tough enough to withstand strong forces. Looking around, she started to beat on the many surfaces, as if creating a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Qah9A1vhU]rhythm[/url]. Apart from her desire to run, Sonya had quickly grown fond of music, especially percussion. It helped her be at ease; it helped keep her focus. Banging on the trashcans with the sticks, as well as other flat surfaces she can reach, she let the noise surround her. [@Jaredthefox92][/center]