As the kid ran off to get his manager, Mister Reis reluctantly bent down to retrieve the stack of discarded missing posters. His gaze was locked on the empty corkboard as he mumbled out a lackadaisical response to the questions from the girl with the strange suitcase. "I guess they're convenient? I can make calls hands free or take videos just by blinking a certain way. In fact," he said while smiling and turning his head to face the girl, "I used it just now to record that pleasant conversation. Just in case his memory of what he said suddenly fails when his manager shows up. It's a surprisingly common problem." And then before he actually managed to hang a poster up, the manager appeared. She was wearing tacky earrings and an ugly purple shirt, but unlike her underling she at least had some manners. Or maybe it was just common sense. The way she placed her hand on her heart seemed a bit fake. Annoying, even. [color=silver]". . . Maddie? Maddie Wilson?"[/color] [i]Splash.[/i] Maddie Wilson? Wasn't that the name on this flyer he was using to mop up the mess on his shoes? Yes, it was. "OK Glass, make a call to 911!" He dashed at the fleeing girl, but slipped on the milkshake puddle. His fancy white shirt was now decorated with avante guarde strawberry pink splotches. A burst of anger empowered his body to thrust off the floor and back onto his feet, but the stupid brat was already being pursued by the tacky manager lady. Instead, he had a thought to turn around and look back at where she had been sitting. He blinked. Were there any other missing people with her? Maybe her kidnapper was in the diner? If so, they'd best smile for his glasses camera. "One of the missing people has been seen at the diner! Maddie Wilson, apparently. I'm there right now."