Work In Progress! <3 :hehe Basics Name (& pronunciation): [color=Gold]Duzmena Deeptank(Duhz-men-ah)[/color] Age: [color=Gold]164[/color] Place of Birth: [color=Gold]Kholgrom under The Bronze Mountain[/color] Gender: [color=Gold]Female[/color] Species/Racial Origin: [color=Gold]Dwarf[/color] Social Class/Community Status: [color=Gold]Warrior[/color] Language: [color=Gold]English, Dwarvish[/color] Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: [color=Gold]Her parents were both killed in battle when she was 23 so she was raised by the general of the Dwarven Army[/color] Physical Description Height: [color=Gold]4"8[/color] Weight: [color=Gold]9st[/color] Hair: [color=Gold]She has long ginger, shaved sides and a long plait[/color] Eyes: [color=Gold]Amber[/color] Limb Dexterity: [color=Gold]She was trained to use her right hand for her sword and her left hand for her shield[/color] Detailed Physical Description: [color=Gold]She is quite short and but extremely powerful. She has a scar above her left eye that she got from fighting in a bloody battle in which her forces were outnumbered 4 to 1 but they still won the battle, just about.[/color] Typical Clothing/Equipment: [color=Gold]She nearly always wears her heavy dwarven metal armour, with her sword on her hip and her shield over her shoulder[/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]ärg.png/revision/latest?cb=20180408191452&path-prefix=sv[/img] [/hider] Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: [color=Gold]She is really competitive and loves a good fight[/color] Skills/Talents: [color=Gold]Excellent with a sword and shield, [/color] Likes: [color=Gold]Fighting[/color] Dislikes: [color=Gold]Goblins[/color] Goals/Ambitions: [color=Gold]Find the next good fight, kill as many goblins as she can[/color] Strengths: [color=Gold]Close quarter combat, working alone[/color] Weaknesses: [color=Gold]Expressing her emotions[/color] Fears: [color=Gold]Love[/color] Hobbies/Interests: [color=Gold]Improving her fighting abilities through vigorous training[/color] Philosophy of Life: [color=Gold]Drive back the goblin horde[/color] Attitude Toward Death: [color=Gold]Welcomes death, when her mission is complete. Kill her if you can![/color] Beliefs: [color=Gold]Goblins are hell-sent destroyers and must be slain. She also believes that the might of the Dwarven Army will be restored and help bring prosperity back to her kind[/color] Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: [color=Gold]The death of her parents. The battle that nearly killed her[/color] Education/Special Training: [color=Gold]Sword and shield combat, military tactics[/color] Place/Type of Residence: [color=Gold]Stone house on her own in Kholgrom under The Bronze Mountain[/color] Occupation: [color=Gold]Captain of the Dwarven Army[/color] Memberships: [color=Gold]Guardian Corps[/color] Additional Notes