~[@Lmpkio]~ The night was dark for heavy storm clouds blocked what little light that came from the moon. For some reason, you had decided to stray further from Boreal Port this time during this surface excursion. The residents of the port were all retiring for the night or to take cover from the oncoming rain. Thus, the town was quiet for the most part and you were alone in your walk through Boreal Port. You followed the road out of town and followed it without diverging into any of the intersection you encounter. Soon, however, you see something that piqued your interest. Upon arriving at the third intersection, you see that the branching path ended with a great structure exuding light. You remember that that place used to be just an old and dilapidated building in the past but it appeared that it has been restored somewhat. Deciding to indulge your curiosities, you come upon a great structure of stone and metal, the organized design of the civilized world. No longer was there the abandoned and decaying building that you spotted so many times in your inland wanderings. Bright lights emanated from the building's windows, indicating that it was at least occupied by a number of people. Fine, wooden double doors served as the main entrance and exit of this structure. However, you also see figures darting around the darkness. Silhouettes that moved about in the building's roof and around the building. They did not appear to belong there. In fact, the figures themselves did not act like they belonged there, preferring to stay quiet and in the shadows to gain entrance into the place. Will you take care of these intruders yourself? Warn the inhabitants of the building perhaps?