Pxie hadn't expected anyone to come straight to her. She had listened to Vlad and clenched her fist angrily, darkness quickly wrapping around them as Vlad spoke more and more. Although, Pixie quickly sensed Vlad's power before and after he absorbed the souls. He was powerful, far more powerful than she was right now. It was in an instant that Vlad threw a spear at her, her eyes opened wide in surprise and she quickly moved out of the way but the spear still manage to cut her cheek. Then the spear transformed into a monster and sent a huge light blast. Pixie moved as fast as she could, dodging it quickly. At that moment, Vlad sent it back at her while Oshikuru flew up to attack her. She dodged just in time, though her wing was cut as she did. It was near impossible to fly with her injured wing luckily the darkness warped around her, keeping her flying for now. Oshikuru sent the light blast at her while Vlad teleported behind her to attack once more. Pixie flew out of the way quickly only to have Vlad reflect the last blast at her yet again. Once again, Pixie manage to dodge the light blast. It was three against one, all of which were far stronger than her. If she had only just created magic, how was it possible that they were already better and more powerful with it than she was? She needed to escape, she wasn't strong enough to fight them all. Not yet at least. Luckily for her, Pixie had seen what magic could really do now. She quickly created a pure black portal behind her and flew backwards into it. The moment she did, the black portal disappeared. Pixie was back in the corrupted forest, she looked around for a moment and sighed. She needed to become stronger, she needed allies to help her. Alone, she was weak but with an army she would be strong. She looked up slowly and gave a small sigh. She rose her hand and the sky turned pure black, then a screen would appear in the Nimbat City. "To all Nimbats, I speak to those who seek power. I speak to those who want to rule, to those who are sick of the humans discriminating against us, thinking we are worthless! Do you ever wish things could change? Well they can. You must feel that hatred for the humans, that anger. Well now you can make a difference. Let your hatred, your anger flow. Let us work as one. You have already seen what one dark nimbat can do. If we all work together, we will be unstoppable! When you've made the right choice, you will be able to find me." With that, the screen disappeared. She sighed then looked around the forest once more. She didn't know how many, if any would join her right now and she needed allies as soon as possible Pixie clenched her fist, it was then that all of her hatred and anger flooded out of her, she needed to get stronger, she needed to gain more power. That was her focus. As she did all this the darkness began to rapidly bubble and boil. It was spreading over the forest far faster than before. Pixie clenched her fist tightly as the thought of her having to run away, of the thought of being humiliated, the thought of being disrespected by the worthless scum that was Vlad. It made her want to scream in rage. The corruption spread rapidly, the trees turned black, the forest became dark. Almost the entire forest had been corrupted, where no sun penetrated. After a few minutes of nothing else happening Pixie sighed. Although there was something that was different. Now, for some reason, she felt like the entire forest was different, that there was something deep within the corrupted darkness. It had changed somehow, but Pixie wasn't sure how, not yet anyway. Still, for now she was still a one man army and she wasn't strong enough to stand up against Vlad yet. However, she noticed something important. She was far stronger now and the only thing that had changed was the forest getting more corrupted. She gave a small smile. At that moment, the corrupted darkness began to shift and bubble. It was starting to take shape into something new and soon enough two new creatures formed in front of her. Two creatures sat in front of her, they were small but perhaps they would be strong too. [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/mcavx5.jpg[/IMG] She gave a small smile as the creatures stared at her. What were they? Well, they didn't exist until now, so it was her responsibility to name them. "Dragons. That is what you are. Now, you need names, don't you? You shall be called Midnight and Daybreaker." She laughed evilly, slowly she flew up to the purple dragon and stroked it's head. She was curious as to what these creatures could do. She stared at them for some time before speaking again. "Can you talk? Do you have Intelligence?" Midnight stood forward and stared stright at Pixie, just without her saying anything, Pixie knew she understood the question perfectly. "I am Midnight, you are my mother. What is your name?" Pixie laughed evilly, this was fantastic. She sighed, and sat down, leaning against a tree as she spoke. "My name is Pixie, and I am your mother. You will both stay with me. You will learn from me and you will know true power. There is much for you to learn but for now you have more important things to focus on. Midnight, Bahamut I want you to fly to two different locations, use those wings of yours. Each of you will be sent to different places then report back to me. Midnight you will go to Husa Raénix, City of the Nimbats. Fly over and scout the area. Daybreaker, go to the 1st Kingdom, Xaénixa. You will know where they are located, do not worry." She nodded and with that the dragons flew off. She could feel the dragons physically. She was connected to them. She focused on Midnight, closing her eyes and yes. She could see what she saw, she could feel what she felt. Did that mean she could feel her pain too? Did this weaken her? That she couldn't answer. Not yet anyway. Either way, for now this way a great start. She sighed, relaxed herself. Creating a new species had tired her out, but still, she needed to get stonger, she needed more allies. Two new creatures weren't enough. She needed to test her theory out, she needed to spread this darkness and corruption however she couldn't attack the cities, not yet. Instead, she would attack one of the nearby villages, they were small enough and it would allow her to get better aqainted with her hew power. She sighed, as she flew up slowly and began to fly. [b]Midnight[/b] Midnight opened her wings slowly and inspected them. With a bit of effort she quickly took flight and began to fly. It was then that the information of where she needed to go was implanted into her mind. She closed her eyes and quickly darkness shrouded her, turning her invisible to the naked eye. Midnight arrived at the City of Nimbats quickly, when she did she landed softly on one of the tallest buildings. She looked around, inspecting everyone that was here. There were many Nimbats but none were as powerful as Pixie. They were no threat to her master. She continued to look around until she noticed something interesting. Her gaze stopped on Dust and the others around him. They wielded powerful weapons, she could sense the power and she knew immediately that they were all a threat to Pixie. She would have to inform her master of this but for now, she would stay and watch. She needed to gather as much information and she could. [b]Pixie and Terra[/b] Pixie continued to fly slowly, the darkness still warped around her wing, helping her fly. Pixie quickly noticed that the wing was being healed. She smiled and continued to fly. She arrived at a small elvan village. It wouldn't be much for her but at least she could spread her darkness and corruption. She would give the elves only one chance to join her now before they were all killed. "I am Pixie, I will give you only one chance. Join me now while you still live, or be killed like the pathetic species you are!" Quickly, Pixie held out her two hands and created a huge black sphere. She threw it in the center of the village and the explosion sent out waves of corruption and darkness, infecting the entire village almost instantly. Only a small portion was left untouched. Several buildings were destroyed in the explosion. There was only one elf who had stood forward, sword in hand. "If you think you can come here and destroy my village without a fight, then you are sadly mistaken." Pixie clenched her fist tightly, how dare she defy her. She flew quickly at the elf and held out her hand. Darkness warped around it, turning it to a huge bear claw. She went to swipe at the elf but she quickly jumped out of the way. "That is some impressive magic there but it isn't enough. I saw what happened Pixie. You are weak." Terra jumped into the air and slashed at Pixie who quickly placed her hands in front of her. Immediately, a corrupted shield formed in front of her and the sword bounced off. Terra landed back on the floor and Pixie laughed. "Do you think a simple sword is enough to kill me? You have no idea what I am capable of, you fool!" She flew backwards into a corrupted building and came out in front of Terra. Her hand became a blade and quickly she went to stab Terra right in the heart. Terra jumped back and rose her hands in fear, when she did however a wall of darkness shot up protecting Terra. She slowly lowered her arms as Pixie's attack failed and gave a small smile. "Interesting, it seems I also have the magic to control this darkness. Well, this changes everything." Pixie was flew back in surprise, she wasn't expecting anyone else to control the corruption other than her. She growled a little and shook her head. It didn't matter however, she had more experience. She pressed her hands together creating another sphere and threw it at Terra who quickly crossed her arms, hoping the darkness would respond again. She focused on the intention of defending herself, then she planned to counter attack in some way and in an instant a powerful mirror appeared in front of her. The corrupted sphere was sucked into the mirror and immediately shot back out at Pixie. Pixie's eyes opened wide and she held out her hands. She was the one who created this corruption. She refused to allow this corruption to be used against her! As the sphere drew close, Pixie caught it and absorbed the corruption into her. "How are you doing that? Why won't you die, you pathetic little Elf!" Terra laughed and stood forward slowly. "I'm a fast learner, all I need to do is watch you and I can see how this magic works. I think I'm starting to get a good grasp on how to control it, how to use it." She held out her hands and closed her eyes, focusing on her arm. Suddenly the darkness formed around it turning it into a huge claw. She looked at her arm and clenched her fist. Just as she suspected, the darkness responds to thought. She jumped into the air and quickly the corruption formed dark wings on her back. She flew quickly and slashed at Pixie with her claws, as Pixie flew back the corrupted claw extended, reaching for Pixie and grabbing her. Pixie struggled but the grip was too strong, she had to get away, she had to win, she wasn't going to lose again. Anger flared up in her, her eyes flashed red. She was not going to be defeated by her own magic. Darkness warped around Pixie as she breathed heavily. "I. WILL NOT. LOSE!" Suddenly, Pixie began to shift and take on a new shape, the corrupted hand which held her was instantly destroyed as Pixie grew larger, too much for the corrupted hand to handle. [IMG]https://img00.deviantart.net/1890/i/2016/002/d/0/necrotic_dragon_by_chaos_draco-d7etq0e.jpg[/IMG] Terra quickly fell back in fear as Pixie rose into the air and created a huge black sphere, far bigger than the village herself. She threw it down and in an instant, Terra tried to create a barrier or something that would defend against such a overwhelming attack. It only took a second for the sphere to hit the village and as soon as it did, the entire area became covered in darkness. Pixie landed on the floor and roared out angrily. Minutes passed as the smoke clearly cleared. When it did, Pixie saw Terra laying on the floor, the barrier that she had created was destroyed. The village was in ruins, everyone was either dead or dying. Terra struggled to her hands and knees slowly, taking in deep breaths. "If this is what your power can do, then color me impressed. Pixie, you have won this fight. I am sorry I doubted you, please, allow me to join your army." Pixie looked down at the injured Elf. She knew that she could easily kill her now, but she needed allies and this elf had more than earned her place among her army. “Fine, but if you ever disobey me or insult me, I will end you!” She roared once more and then sighed softly. The corruption began to fade and Pixie returned to her normal form. Now she was tired, she had grown stronger but now she needed to rest.