Ophelia had been walking until her hears began to twitch. Her vulpine hearing had detected the feint noise before it was silenced. However, she quickly attributed this to either some pattern of machine or some sort of performance that was none of her concern. Like in Apotos, street musicians were a common thing and since culture varied it was not uncommon for young artists to try to preform at night. However, once Sonya came into the spotlight she glanced and observed what was going on. Then she spotted Sonic, before the two of them sped off. At this she tensed up, yet remained calm and tried to move through the crowd to follow them. While she knew she couldn't be able to keep up, following in their general direction may lead to their wherebaouts. ((OOC: I could try, but I'm not the best when it comes to hero characters. TBH it would be better if I was playing his evil self, Scourge.I mean, I can be him, but please don't expect %100 authenticity.))