[center][img]https://robotscifi.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/police-robot.jpg[/img] [@Metatrooper][@Sophrus][@Zelosse][/center] The moment Firedog jumped out into the cold void of space Fighters and drones were already trying to line up behind him and get a shot on him, while their drones tried to close in on him to get to get on the hull of his ship, possibly to just disable his fighter so they could arrest him, but it took a while for them to line up behind him so they could get a good shot and almost looked like they were trying to badly tail him just so he's not escaping. While Firedog was planning on giving the Peacekeepers a hard Time Odd and Meta had arrived, Meta had asked the captain what they were up against."[color=00a651] I'm guessing I just woke you up? Because I said over the intercom there were peace keepers." She told the armored boy before looking to Odd.[/color]" Lad, I won't ask you to do anything I you can't, but I want you and the rest of the others to fight behind the furniture, I'll soak up most of the ammo when they first start coming in, just don't shoot me in the back and I won't consider spacing ya." She told them before managing to jump over the furniture in all her heavy armor. Suddenly the airlock opened and instead of the black cold vac of space there were over a dozen combat robots armed with standard laser rifles. One of the lucky bots got a shot off on Vertex hitting her chest and having the laser blast bounce off her armor and hit the walls of the airlock; a burning heat built up in Vertex's chest after the shot, even though her armor reflected it, she still felt a little of it's heat before she started firing on the robots. Some of the robots were split in half by the gun fire while she missed some of the others as another group charged in, around twelve robots were facing her down, Vertex took a knee and began firing her lmg, she let the recoil of the rifle push back into her chest as she fired on them to get their attention hoping that Meta and Odd would start firing from behind their cover of furniture."[color=00a651] Come don't just stand there staring at'em the enemy won't just wait for you to shoot'em.[/color]"