[@Phantomlink959][@Searat][@LightningMaiden] [color=39b54a]"Roger's light weakened me a bit but I will live." [/color]Griffin assured the other man. He was sure that they had done just fine without him. He had no idea how he could have helped. Shadow demons were an odd group. Each a little different. This one seemed to be a curse of some kind but that was for the higher ups to sort up. His job was to identify and capture. Well probably not any more.[color=39b54a] "Don't worry about it Argus. You seemed to have done a better job than I was doing. Transport is here waiting. I will let them know medical aid is needed. I am sure someone on the medical knows how to stabilize shadow demons."[/color]That was their job anyway. Those on the transport were supposed to know everything about the species they were assigned. Now that the demon was contained they could take him to head quarters and they could deal with him.