Kai had a point. Cielle tried to think of their next course of action as she looked around, her eyes landing on Anna dancing with a handsome man. She looked back at Kai, pensive, watching his excitement for a moment. He truly was a child, wasn't he? How old was he, anyway? He couldn't have been older than she was. Then again, she remembered the first time she had gone forward on her own, the mystery of the unknown enticing her. Yes, she needed to be a little lenient, and his curious nature would give her an idea. "[color=deepskyblue]You're right. If things are progressing behind the scenes, then perhaps a little...exploration is due,[/color]" She tried to play the word to Kai's interest, knowing his curiosity would get the better of him. "[color=deepskyblue]I must insist that you remain [I]careful[/I], however. The last thing we want is to disrespect the princess when her graciousness has allowed us to enter the castle at all.[/color]" She knew he wouldn't take what she had to say seriously, but so long as they didn't get into any trouble, they should be fine.