[h2]Dirk Messir - My Name Is Dirk Messir[/h2] [i]You're ruining everything, Dirk. You're going to mess everything up for everyone.[/i] 'Nuh uh, I'm good,' he said into the telesnail againaginagain. 'I am playing pirates. Sorry, [i]we[/i] are playing with pirates. We're pirates. Oh no, swords and guns. We're bleeding. We are dead. [i]Don't call again.[/i]' And then he chucked that silly old telesnail out the window, and slightly off the wall. Then he jabs some guy in the stomach who is trying to fight him with my hand knife the knifing knife got there to hand it to you, you did an amazing job, Dirk. [i]Couldn't Have Handled It Better Myself![/i] [i]You messed up Moron! Now we're going to die Retard! I hope you're happy Failure![/i] 'Sorry, Smash. I panicked,' Dirk yelled at Smosh as he did more weeaboo combat fightan. 'There might be angry swordpeople going to kill ussssss, nherhggeoifk.' It looked like Slush was doing just fine, though.