[center] [img]https://image.ibb.co/fbeUFJ/Gin_Border.jpg[/img] [h2][color=darkorange]Gin Yoshiyaki[/color][/h2] [h3]Pellion's Pub, Gates of Troy, Edge of Shinto[/h3] [hr] [@Paradox Witch][@Froppy] [/center] [i]Where did I go wrong?[/i] The question rang in Gin's head as wine was forced down his throat. As the alcohol ran through his system, so too did the recent events of the night went through his head, from the moment he summoned Chiron. As Gin thought about it more, he began to wonder what went wrong with the ritual. Is it because he didn't secure a proper catalyst? That's absurd, his bokken, stained with the blood of countless vases, should have brought out the strongest of warriors from the grail! Maybe it was because he also brought that damned bottle of [i]sake[/i] to the ritual... but why didn't he summon a [i]Japanese[/i] Servant, if that were the case? No, there must have been something else, something beyond his power, that resulted in him summoning Chiron, and more specifically, Chiron [i]completely out of his prime[/i]... As Gin looked up to take a better look at the bar, of which he never really got the chance to since he was, again, rushed over by his Servant, he took a glance at the Bartender, specifically. He looked familiar... no, he's sure he never met this specific Bartender before, and I mean, who has the money to hire a fucking god, anyway, but there was something nostalgic about him. It's probably because most Western bartenders wear the same kind of clothes. Gin began to remember visiting a bar some time in his travels, not sure what sort of bar it was, specifically, but it looked a bit like this one, and he remembered having a conversation with the man tending the bar at the time, who did, indeed, wear the same sort of attire the Bartender here is sporting. It was something about his name... [b][i]"Gin, eh? Heh, that's funny. Favorite drink o'mine shares the same name, y'know?"[/i][/b] No way. No fucking way. As the realization came to his head, Gin's body shot up. Catalysts can be strange, especially since they don't have to be exactly physical. If one were to attempt to summon an Assassin, specifically, it is likely that the Master would summon a Servant from the ranks of the [i]Hashshashin[/i], because the word '[i]Assassin[/i]' serves as their catalyst. With that train of thought, it could be said that Gin's own name was a catalyst suitable for the summoning of Chiron. In other words, Gin's Servant could have been determined the moment he was born! The thought sobered Gin, except not really since he's pretty fucking smashed now, as he strolled over to the bar, pulling himself a stool and letting his [i]bokken[/i] lean on the bar right next to him. [i]Damn, I need another drink...[/i] Gin thought, groaning as he looked up to the Bartender. [color=orange]"Howbout you make me somethin' with Gin innit?"[/color] Gin managed to slur out, resting his face on his fist. [color=orange]"While 'yer at it, could ya also gimme some advice on 'ow to... hm, I dunno, cast some spells, too? Y'sound like y'know it all... An' since when did ya get enough money to hire a god to tend the bar for us, [i]Ite[/i]?! Y'could 'ave told me we 'ad one!"[/color] Gin scratched his head as he looked the Bartender up and down, again, still absorbing the fact that a full-blown Divine Spirit was a part of the package. It did make sense that the bar, being a place of worship, would be able to maintain such a being, but to Gin, the whole idea of it going so far as to summon such a being without completely draining his mana supply baffled him. Again, this was a lesson to him that the capabilities of a Servant were far less straightforward than he thought. Which reminds him... [color=orange]"Ey, [i]obaasan[/i]. Where's dat boy of yours? He asks som' dumb questions, but he was a nice boy... Mebbe we should get 'im a horse! He dun't shaddup about those, don't he?"[/color]