Vlad Dracula Watched as pixie managed to escape by the skin of her teeth he looked around at all the bodies laying on the floor he held out his hand and infused them with a small portion of his magic turning them into his zombie minions while bloodfang returned to Vlads side and reverted to its weapon form Vlad then turned to face the rest of the world "pixie has declared war on all of humanity but she won't stop there she is a treat to all living things so to all those who live in the 1st kingdom this is a direct order from your one true king head to the city of the nimbats that will be our new base of operations and where we will gather our shoulders for our army to every one else if you wish to stand and fight against this evil head to the city of the nimbats an army is gathering there if you wish to learn about magic and master this new power head to the city of the nimbats an army is gathering there if you wish to hid from pixie and the danger she presents head to city of the nimbats an army is gathering there and if you simple wish to be lfet alone to live in peace understand this that is not an option death will find you unless you head to the city of the nimbats where an army is gathering ready to protect you all and destroy pixie" With that Vlad opened a portal to the city of the nimbats Vlad Oshikuru and his minions walked though once there Vlad sensed the presents of a powerful opponent hiding in the Shadow he held out his hand and fired a powerful plasma blast at Midnight powerful enough to tear a hole in her chest if she evaded the attack the plasma blast would explod and the dust and the smoke would revile her location to every one that was gathered there then he would turned to Ra and Dust "im sure the pear of you can deal with that thing i have more important matters to attend to" with that he opened another portal and him and Oshikuru steped though within a blink of an eye they had appeared in the elvin village Vlad took a look around and saw most of the villagers where dead their bodies and souls had been corrupted by pixies evil although some still clung onto life their souls had yet to be tainted by the darkness Vlad absorb those souls then turned to Oshikuru "do not get involved in this fight i have to show the world and especially the rest of the nimbats that this power is worthless and dangerous and that nobody should try to master it" With that he turned to face pixie and her new servent with his every action stil being broadcasted to the world "pixie you know nothing of true power real power does not come from this darkness that corrups your soul twists your mind and devours your body true power comes from training heard work and determination one cannot acquire real power overnight it takes time to cultivate and to prove this i will defeat you and your new allies alone but this would not be a real demonstration with you in your weakened state so i'll restore the power you have used up in your little battle and when you flea from fore a second time like the coward we all know you to be that will prove how pathetic your so call power truly is" with that Vlad waved his hand and casted a restoration spell restoring all the power pixie and her servent had used up "your move"