[@Oskar DiLondra][@Bee] [color=fff79a]Jamie Underwood[/color] [hr] Jamie did a double take at the approaching woman, who introduced herself as Ella, or Songbird. That was when Jamie read the room a little better, and discovered that apparently there was no need for solemn stances at attention. Her face brightened from the proper stare she had before, she smiled wide and toothy and turmed somewhat towards her. Casually, Jamie did not turn her body so their shoulders were parallel, something she reserved for her superiors and for serious discussion. [color=fff79a]"Well, hi there, Ella, I'm Jamie."[/color] She extended out a hand for a handshake, remembering Aleksander and his leaving her hanging. [color=fff79a]"My, uh, operator alias is Slug."[/color] She said, shrugging good naturedly. At the mention of her armor, Jamie glanced down at the simple kevlar vest over her chest and pads at various parts of her body, semi-effective but a far cry from some of the walking tanks that would be accompanying them. [color=fff79a]"Yeah, I like to travel light."[/color] Jamie glanced over Ella's shoulder, making eye contact with another woman who seemed to want to make conversation. [color=fff79a]"Hey-o,"[/color] she greeted cheerily,[color=fff79a] "I'm Jamie." [/color]Jamie accepted the hand shake and stood back as Trojan began to associate with Ella, who was from the same agency as her. Jamie thought it was a little curious that Jane wanted to be called by her alias. As Ella responded to the other SDU operative, Jamie turned her head around and listened to some of the boys talking about the training operation and cultural diffusion and cam-cream (?) and other shit like that. One of them was extra sure to loudly promote team cohesion. She also saw Aleks, stoic as ever, not engaging in any conversation. So much for team cohesion. Strange as it was, Jamie felt like it was personal challenge to try and crack the shell of Aleksander, the handsome, strong, silent greek warrior. Suppressing a chuckle at her inner melo-dramatism, Jamie turned back around and tuned back into the conversation with her new allies, and hopefully, new friends.