Once everyone had gathered Asim motioned everyone closer. "Well, this is it. Our expeditions suggest that Nergigante will be in zone 14, so we'll be landing nearby to scout first. We'll position ourselves first, and I'll lure the dragon in where we will have a surprise round. After that, we will slay it. Asuka, you will be concentration on slashing that tail off with Diana. I heard they can make us pretty armor with that thing. Damian and I will be in charge of breaking those horns as quickly as possible to throw that thing off balance and gain us an advantage. After those two things are dealt with we rain pain on that dragon." Asim crossed his arms over his chest; his face was collected and calm. He had confidence in their skills and their abilities as hunters, but facing something like a Nergigante as their first quest as a team was challenging. He just hoped his plan to give them specific goals would help them to work together for future missions if there were any to be had. Asim pulled his bow and strapped it on his back before giving his team a slight nod. "Follow the plan, and we'll finish this easily." He hoped. "Let's go hunters." Was the last thing he said to them before calling his wingdrake. [hr] Crystals upon crystals. All of them reflected the sun right at Asim's eyes as they all traveled over the Elder Recess. He could see the rives of lava and unusual rock formations from the sky. As they descended to the ground, there was no spiked back or wing to be seen around their location. They would have to track the dragon. Once his feet hit the ground, he began to walk around, small crystals cracking under his weight. Stealth would be a problem here. He turned to face his teammates, waiting for them to ready themselves before they went out adventuring.