Some concepts for everyone's comments: [hider=Probably an overly convoluted Dr. Fate concept] A Nova Corps member crashes to Earth fighting an enemy named Zorr and is fatally wounded. Richard Rider came across the crash to find the Nova barely hanging on to life and Zorr nowhere to be found. The dying Nova transferred his golden helmet decorated with a red star as well as his powers to the Earthling. Richard dawned the helmet and received a message from someone called Nova Prime about Zorr and how he needed to be stopped, but the briefing cut on in the middle, and the red star partially crumbled away. A new voice filled Richard’s head. It called itself Nabu and spoke of how it was able to free itself during the transference of powers from the dead Nova to Richard. It attempted to take Richard over, body and mind, but was unable to in its weakened state. Instead, Richard was granted the powers of Dr. Fate and able to maintain control of himself.[/hider] [hider=Green Lantern Richard Rider] Green Lantern Abin Sur and Nova Corps member Dey track an enemy to Earth. In the fight, Abin Sur suffers fatal wounds, and as he falls Richard Rider launches himself into the frey in an attempt to save him. In the chaos, the power ring transfers to Richard and grants him the powers of a Green Lantern. With the ring he is barely able to help Dey fight off Zorr. After the battle, Dey gives his thanks and takes Abin Sur’s body and the new Lantern back to space. After being inducted into the Corps Richard returned to Earth. [/hider] [hider=Blue Lantern Kyle Rayner] With The Green Lantern Corps spread thin, The Guardians begin sending more rings out for recruitment. Ganthet of the Guardians begins work on a secret project and takes his result to Earth, having seen the tenacity of the humans through several Green Lanterns from that race. Through modification of a Green Lantern power ring, Ganthet created a ring capable of tapping into the Blue light of Hope. He disguised himself as an old man and found a human worthy to wield the power of Hope in a struggling young artist named Kyle Rayner. Ganthet gifted him the ring and began his training on Earth as the Blue Lantern, kept secret from the Guardians for the time being. [/hider]