[hr][center][img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/1400/f5680f53522101.59377852a7113.png[/img][/center][hr][sub][color=FDAD07][b]Gateway City, California[/b] June 11th, 2018[/color][/sub] [indent]Gateway City – A city of the gods. A city of opportunity. A city of progress. After all the years of adapting and learning about Earth, there was still a lot Bekka truly didn’t understand. The world she had found as a sanctuary from her past was archaic beyond belief. There were things the unevolved and unenlightened would do that disgusted her, which in no way she could relate to. New Genesis and many other members of the intergalactic community had shown progress and technological genius without destroying their planets they called home. But humans kept digging their hands into the earth, raping the soil and stealing what they could until they could steal no more. She imagined they would do so until the planet had nothing more to give them. And that was just one of the many flaws humanity held. The distinctions between race, nation, class, and creed was a disease with no cure that she could see and the more she looked at the bigoted and craven the more she despised them. Their hunger for progress was ruthless and the sickness of ignorance did not make that any better. She supposed her people were much like them once. Earthlings were still primitive. The few that had shown promise could not save the rest from spreading like a plague. But Bekka? She could. She could represent those who were too scared to be the best version of themselves. She could inspire them and remove fear from the equation. She could be to them like she was to be to other Genesisians before Darkseid’s vicious betrayal. She could be their “Wonder Woman” like the papers wanted. With her technology, abilities, and values she could bring out the light in an era where an everlasting night was the reality. The more Bekka thought about it, the more she was certain that she could do it – the more she [i]wanted[/i] to do it. It was one of the core reasons why she was standing in her “off the books” apartment in Gateway City, facing a mirror, while she smiled widely after donning her armor like it had been the first time she had done so in [i]centuries.[/i] [i][color=FDAD07]Hiding away was never an appropriate response.[/color][/i] She had arrived on Earth as a refugee from war and chaos, so it made sense that she had embraced cowardice. How long had she forgotten the values she had as a daughter of New Genesis? The only answer she could imagine in her head was “too long”. It was time. There was work to do. [/indent]