Very quick WIP of what I'm cooking: [hider] [center][h2]Royal Marian Combine (RMC)[/h2] [img][/img] [/center] [b]Brief Description:[/b] The RMC is a collection of systems under the rule of the *Premier*, a hereditary position occupied by the head of House Novak. It is located in the region of the Perseus Arm known as the Via Maria. Once considered something of a backwater, these former imperial colonies metamorphosed into a unitary state with a strong warrior-class ethos. The Combine maintains an expansionist policy, expanding its realm via a large, skilled military renowned for its loyalty to the state. Though the Combine is ruled by a human monarch and considers itself to be pro-human, a few alien races have come to be accepted as equals. [b]Claim:[/b] [hider][img][/img][/hider] [b]Government:[/b] The Premier is the head of government and state in the Combine. Since its inception, the position has been held by the line of House Novak. The Premier is considered the heart and soul of the RMC - service to one is synonymous with service to the other. Though not worshipped or seen as divine, a strong cult of personality surrounds the Premier. He enjoys the extraordinarily strong loyalty and respect of his people. The Premier is assisted by the High Command, a small council consisting of five District Warlords, one for each administrative district in the RMC. The Premier entrusts High Command to carry out his will, taking an indirect approach to day-to-day governance. Each member of High Command has authority over the military forces stationed within his district. The position is an extremely powerful one, answerable to none, save the Premier. [b]History:[/b] TBA [b]Military:[/b] The Royal Marian Armed Forces (RMAF) is the most prestigious institution of the Combine. It is the pillar on which the RMC stands, so strong is the nation’s warrior ethos. The Combine shares a collective belief in a mandate to conquer its surroundings within the Perseus Arm, eventually moving on to adjacent territories of known space. The RMAF is the sword - literally and figuratively - with which it will do so. For these reasons, service in the military is seen as the surest way to get ahead in life and the socio-economic benefits of a successful career are high. The RMC has a large pool of soldiery to call on: well-equipped, well-trained and loyal - sometimes bordering on fanatical. This warrior culture is not without drawbacks, as individuals have been known to throw their lives away in fierce last stands against overwhelming enemies, or neglect unorthodox tactics for rigid adherence to outdated schools of thought. Premier _ Novak is in the middle of ushering reforms to the RMAF to temper its martial ethos with acceptance of unconventional methods and quelling antiquated practices. . Religion/Culture: (The two largest religions as of now are Kineticism and Anchorism. Both of these have sects and subsets, plus there's many religions beside this. Culturally, again, be creative, and give details. Details help make a nation and an NRP great.) Demographics (Species): (Make sure to check out the Species Database) Characters: (You don't need to go that in depth in the NS, but once we get to IC, definitely have them fleshed out, at least mentally.) Relations: (Talk to people! This section in NRPs often goes neglected, but it's important for other characters making their own NSs.) Habitation: (How and where people live; preferred modes of transportation, stuff like that) [/hider]