[i]Easier. It took me less than twenty minutes to seduce you. It took five minutes or less of flirting to get you quite easily into my bed.[/i] If Ryan had somehow been naïve enough not to know already that Brendon's initial invitation had an ulterior motive behind it, this just confirmed it. He sounded like he scored a point on a video game, or something. Ryan would probably be angrier about it if he wasn't still feeling lucky as hell to even have surpassed the platonic/"business casual" phase, although it wasn't quite his dream of being in something closer to a romantic relationship with Brendon. And that, conveniently enough, was the exact reason that it took less than twenty minutes to seduce him, and five minutes or less to get him into bed. Typically Ryan would prefer not to entertain either of those things, so Brendon certainly had a unique effect. Ryan was pretty pleased with the fact that he could finally muster up the boldness to actually garner a genuine reaction from Brendon. Usually it was something Brendon clearly had to make an effort to respond to - 'cause he was either too boring or Brendon was that detached - but in this case he got a laugh, affronted. [i]Yeah, Whatever. You did [/i]that [i]time.[/i] Ryan paused, contemplating this, and determined that it was so incredibly unlikely a premise that Brendon must be joking. When he saw Brendon's distinguished smile his suspicions were confirmed and he returned the same little grin, what was originally just a dumb dirty joke having become this bizarre shared moment. To him, anyway. Maybe he was just reading in too much to the different 'look' to Brendon's expression, or something. It was nice to entertain these silly passing fantasies, anyhow. Brendon was quickly back to acting however it could be deemed when he pretended Ryan retrieving his suit and thusly naturally being the first to see him in it was some sort of glory to be thankful for. Which, okay, Ryan was actually a little bit enthusiastic about, but he'd admit that when he was cold and dead. He had good reason - not just his laughable infatuation, but Brendon wore any suit like it was made for him exclusively. So, a new one was a pretty exciting event. [i]Yes. It’s an even more exclusive list than ‘people who have seen me naked’, or ‘people who know my middle name’. Saying that, the first one is actually not that exclusive.[/i] Ryan looked dubious of 'the first one' in question before Brendon even corrected himself. He grinned lopsidedly at the clarification, shaking his head at his buttons to portray his (joking, as far as he wanted Brendon to know) disapproval. [i]You’ll be on two out of three of those lists. No, I’m not telling you my middle name.[/i] Ryan wondered if this was a bad time to tell Brendon that he knew a lot about him that he hadn't told him firsthand, just 'cause he was apparently Brendon's biggest fan (in running with Twitter frequenters and maybe some reporters looking for a raise). Most likely. He decided to keep this information to himself, especially since Brendon was nice enough not to call him 'George' as it was written, for legal reasons unfortunately, on every paycheck. [b]"I'm so lucky,"[/b] he sighed, faux-dreamily, and tried to look unaffected, but the corner of his mouth was twitched into a tiny amused smirk. As soon as the conversation went beyond this, though, Ryan knew he'd made a mistake. He watched Brendon's face change and vaguely wondered how much better the situation would be if he'd only left right after waking up. They'd have made up at some point, surely. [i]Give myself [/i]away? [i]I’m not a fucking nun, asshole! Nor have I ever been anybody’s fuckin’ property.[/i] It wasn't what he meant at all, but the miscommunication made sense considering a.) Ryan never really got anything across the way he wanted to and b.) despite thinking about these things for a considerable amount of time, he'd never intended on actually saying it aloud to be comprehensible. [i]Save it. Jesus, what is it with you people? Has it ever occurred to any of you that maybe I don’t want or need an ‘emotional connection’?[/i] Ryan's gaze flicked around, feeling cornered after his brief courageous streak, and he figured that was a fair point. He'd just be a straight-up villain if he tried to [i]force[/i] Brendon into feeling things he didn't. Maybe it was true that he was just immune to all the emotional intimacy cravings other people experienced - Ryan could certainly only dream of avoiding that, personally. [i]Holy shit, you’re the biggest fucking hypocrite I’ve ever met.[/i] Feeling small suddenly, he withered under Brendon's gaze, realizing only now the unsteady foundation he'd built his argument on and easing off as a result. [i]It’s not [/i]safe[i]? I shouldn’t [/i]give myself away[i]? What are you, a priest?[/i] Maybe a little. He was about as preachy and pretentious as one. Ryan could've sighed at himself. [i]Oh, and it’s funny how you only say that [/i]after [i]you had sex with me. It’s only relevant when I don’t want you any more.[/i] [b]"That's [i]not[/i] how it is,"[/b] he cut in instantly, but not loudly enough to cut Brendon off despite the pure conviction in his voice. [i]You should know me well enough that- that I don’t- I [/i]can’t[i]- make connections that easily. I thought you understood that. I pretty much raised myself, Ryan, I think I’m fine on my own.[/i] Ryan stared, disbelieving, as Brendon turned away from him, but his heart sunk a little at the sight of him looking so stressed out. He'd never seen it before, actually. [b]"It's always been relevant,"[/b] he corrected belatedly, looking somewhat stunned still. [b]"I - Brendon, you called me at three in the morning because you were alone. It's okay if you can't make the connection easily so long as you make one at all."[/b] His tone was slower, more patient, mostly because he was trying to get Brendon out of defense mode. This version of him was more than a little bit intimidating. He knew he must sound so possessive or just selfish, unintentionally making the implication that this connection be with [i]him,[/i] but he was afraid if he talked more while trying to explain that it could be with anyone, he'd just make another point beyond messily. He was already walking a pretty thin rope, here. It was basically nonexistent, though, once he saw the expression on Brendon's face, hurt and betrayed and nothing like what Ryan was used to seeing. If Brendon was like most other people, he could break the distance, come close and hold him flush to his own body and kiss the heartbreak away like some oversold romance novel, whatever. As it were, Ryan had already confirmed that any affection he might want so desperately to show Brendon would be automatically rejected or received with disgust. It was no fault of his own; clearly it was just the way he kept safe. Or, in Brendon's words, how he raised himself. [i]Why?[/i] Not expecting to get to this point (but then he hadn't expected the last 24 hours at all), Ryan adopted a deer caught in headlights look, lips parting unsurely and eyes widening slightly. He racked his brain for an excuse, but came up empty-handed. [b]"I - I don't know. Just, it'd be nice to see you... opening up, and being happy and comfortable enough with someone to do that. Fulfilled. I don't know."[/b] Now he was stammering; great. At least he could pride himself on the fact that he hadn't admitted to any stupid feelings that clearly weren't something Brendon was ready for. He barely let a pause go by before continuing, consumed by something like guilt. [b]"I'm sorry, it just - it didn't come out right. I didn't mean to sound like I was... judging, or whatever. I just worry, I guess,"[/b] he murmured, voice quieter, because he knew it really wasn't his business to worry - except only on a professional level. But that would only be fair if he approached it professionally, too, which he definitely did not do.