[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]School[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Morning[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Arthur [Boyfriend], Gigi, Helene, and Alyssa [Friends] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Agitated.[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmZhOTliZi5WR1Z0Y0c5eVlYSjVJRlJ5ZFdObC4wAAA,/trocadero.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.gifer.com/3OUY.gif[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] [i][color=orangered]Note to self: Terrance Flights is on my shit list.[/color][/i] The exact thought crossed Gigi's mind as Terrance released Helene, somehow managing to hold her back as the two went at it. Seriously?! But it was much too late to do anything, and both Alyssa and Helene were too stubborn and too proud to admit that the entire situation was not only pointless, but stupid. For just a moment, Gigi just watched, even after the boys had departed to chase after Alexander. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she looked at Eva, who held something in her hand. She caught Gigi's eye, the two sharing a mutual thought, and nodded to one another. After Eva carefully placed Alexander's gift next to her bag, she stood up and carefully approached the fighting pair. Geez, she hadn't seen them so angry like this, it was actually a little scary that they'd resort to good old fistcuffs. Gigi motioned to Eva, who remained in her spot, and she managed to grab Alyssa's arm. Despite knowing that she was probably going to end up hurting Alyssa a little, she twisted it, pushing it into her back and successfully slamming her to the ground. Helene froze for a second, though Eva came out of left field and literally tackled her to the ground. "[color=lightsalmon]What the hell?! Stay out of this![/color]" Helene yelled, fuming. "[color=pink]What the hell is wrong with you two?![/color]" Eva ended up yelling back as she kept Helene down. "[color=pink]There's nothing that could possibly justify throwing a punch at your friend like this! You even upset poor Alexander, don't you have an ounce of decency?[/color]" Gigi watched the pair cautiously, though it seemed they had gotten it mostly out of their system, and after she released Alyssa she helped her to her feet. Eva helped Helene stand, though she made sure she was standing between the two. "[color=pink]We're friends! Friends don't go attacking each other like this! We're settling this at lunch, and don't try to run 'cause I'll find you![/color]" She huffed, picking up her bag and Alexander's gift. She noticed Gigi had been looking elsewhere, seemingly distracted. Helene mumbled something, though she just grabbed her bag and took off. Alyssa did the same, marching on towards school. Fantastic! What a great start to the day! As the thought crossed her mind, Eva put a hand to her head, letting out a sigh. All the commotion made her feel unwell, though now with a moment of peace she steadied herself. Gigi finally looked at her, frowning slightly. "[color=orangered]Good job,[/color]" She stated. "[color=pink]We can't let this happen again,[/color]" Eva told her. "[color=pink]Did you see Alexander? He looked like he had just saw his dog get run over! And Terrance wants us all to get together...how the hell am I going to convince them to stop their fighting?[/color]" Now that she mentioned it, he did clam up when the fighting started, though she was too preoccupied with Terrance purposely letting Helene go. Why would he do that? Wracking her brain to find an answer, she figured she must have missed something, especially considering he was holding her back, and Jacob was--[i]Jacob[/i]! Wait a minute, why was Jacob able to hold Alyssa back without her clawing his eyes out? Shit, were they back together? It was too confusing, and she didn't have all the facts. Her eyes then fell onto the little container in Eva's hands and was surprised when she handed it to her. "[color=orangered]...what is this...?[/color]" She asked, wary. "[color=pink]It's for you, silly,[/color]" Eva replied, making sure she had a proper hold of it before letting go. "[color=pink]It's from Alex. It was made with a lot of love, so take care of it, okay?[/color]" Gigi blinked in confusion, opening it carefully, though she was surprised to see her suggestion come to life. It was certainly well done, and one could tell it was homemade as opposed to store bought. Alexander made this? For her? Why? She suddenly remembered the conversation they had yesterday as she closed the lid. He was serious? She figured he had just been asking to be polite, she didn't think he would go out of his way to make it. Stowing it in her bag and making sure it was secure, she followed Eva into school, although she was still trying to figure Alexander out. Maybe he got enjoyment out of making something for someone. Then again, with all his claims of romance and the like, this was probably the first time he managed to hit the nail on the head. Her insides felt weird as she thought about it, and she dismissed those thoughts. She'd have to thank him later. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she half expected it to be him, though it was just Alyssa. She was a little disappointed by this, though she caught herself. Why was she disappointed? [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]