[img=http://www.basingstokegazette.co.uk/resources/images/2299229.jpg?type=articleLandscape] Anna plonked her ass down on one of the seats in the wheelchair zone figuring they were unlikely to be taking elderly people or mothers on this route anytime soon and zoned out, turning up the music she was listening to and letting her head rest on the cold, poor quality plexiglass of the window. Her music player was set to shuffle and when one [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzQlpOW0kj4&sns=em] song finished and she heard the first few chords of the next song, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KusePzdhSOE&sns=em]Things we lost in the fire by Bastille[/url], she almost skipped straight away as te somewhat dated Bastille was not her usual cup of tea. Instead out of pure laziness she let the song play and found herself absorbed in the sad irony of the song. Although the world certainly hadn't lost everything to fire there had definitely been loss and the results lay in the world around them like corpses. As the second chorus was set in motion Anna felt a sudden urge to sing. Obviously she was unable to do that, the harsh treatment of her past had taken that capability when it stole her voice from her, and so she did what she was prone to do when such an urge. She played music. Anna's guitar, or one of them, was in the bulky guitar case hanging over her badge adorned rucksack. She had only the guitar with her as an excuse to carry the deep hardcase which she had used alongside a false bottom to conceal her sniper rifle without the need for a total disassembly. Now she was glad for taking it and, when the song ended she removed her earpieces and took the electro-acoustic guitar from its case. After a minutes checking on the tuning she began to [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=663DmAor48g&sns=em]play[/url]. Without her voice if there was an audible way Anna could communicate her feelings it was music. Anna played her instruments with a passion and focus so intense it would often take physical contact even from her partner to draw her attention away from the music. ([url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ycHYRg8h0Y&sns=em]Non-acoustic version of the song[/url])