[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w2QAwm5.png[/img][h1][color=f7976a]Eleanor (Alfonse)[/color][/h1][/center] After introducing himself to the Ken, class went rather smooth for Raymond, the only thing that seemed to have been bugging him was his empty stomach. [i] I definitely have to get something to eat over the short break between classes.[/i] After introducing himself, Ken didn’t exactly speech much which somewhat surprised the guy. Usually his type would not stop bugging you until class was over. Soon enough an hour and 15 minutes went by and Raymond was out of his first class and making his way towards the cafeteria. As he left the building he noticed Eleanor sitting on a bench outside his building. Didn’t she have a class that she was teaching for today, it seemed rather strange that she was able to get out of class before him and walk across campus. Eleanor felt Raymond moving and kept her gaze down on her phone until she was sure Raymond noticed her. She glanced up and twisted her mouth into a full grin. [color=f7976a]“Raymond!”[/color] She shouted at the boy, waving him over. [color=f7976a]“Come sit with me for a second!”[/color] She waved the bag with muffins in it excitedly. When the boy heard Eleanor call for him, he couldn’t help but wince again. It was as though the universe was purposely trying to starve him today. She then waved a bag with muffins, which made the boy’s mouth water as his hunger reached another level. Soon he felt his body shifting in her direction, Shit! It was as if she played him. [color=fff200]“Surprise seeing you again miss.”[/color] Raymond said as he took his backpack off and took a seat next to her silently waiting for what she might have to say. While waiting, he peaked out the corner of his eye he was trying to catch a glimpse of what kind of muffins they were. [color=f7976a]“Eat, eat! I stole your away from your breakfast this morning so I thought I’d make it up to you.”[/color] She said brightly and passed him the bag. [color=f7976a]“I just asked for an assortment so I hope you like some of it at least. And the doddering fool forgot to mention the class I’m lecturing for isn’t for another few hours. Forgot to send the email he said.”[/color] She scoffed. [color=f7976a]“The old man just needs to retire. Mostly so I replace him as the premier expert in the field.”[/color] She winked at Raymond with a chuckle. Eleanor kept her eyes firmly on his face, ready to slip into the boy’s mind as soon as they made eye contact. So she must have heard his stomach growl earlier, the boy shook his head in slight embarrassment. [color=fff200]“I appreciate the food Miss, thank you.”[/color] the boy said nodding his head as he pulled out a chocolate muffin from the bag and began eating it consciously. If she wasn’t in front of him he would have downed the whole thing in one go. Though as he took a bite, there was a slight hint of enjoyment he was getting out of filling his belly. It was clear to her that he liked food, after feeding him he felt a bit less hostile towards the lady, staring her in the eyes and thanking her again. [color=fff200]“These are really good, thank you once again.”[/color] It’s not everyday that a stranger treats you for breakfast so why not take advantage of the situation. The moment he finished speaking, Eleanor’s eyes flashed red and she cast herself into his mind as his body relaxed into the tell tale trance. She flipped quickly through memories, picking out his address quickly and confirmed he was unaware of his abilities. She slipped out just as quietly, eyes darkening once again. [color=f7976a]"It's the very least I could do, a favor for a favor and all that.”[/color] Eleanor said, waving off his thanks. She stood and smiled at him again. [color=f7976a]“I’ve taken a bit of a liking to you so I’ll give you a word of advice Raymond. If you value your safety, stay home tonight. I would be rather distressed if you were hurt. It was a pleasure meeting you young man. I do hope you are as pleasant the next time we meet.”[/color] She blew him a kiss and walked away, humming to herself. Raymond was a bit confused, the boy just simply continued gnawing on the muffin before his mind went blank for a split second. He was completely unaware of the magic that had just been performed on him. He came too shortly after, it seems as though Eleanor was going to be heading off somewhere. When she stood up she told him to stay home tonight which made the boy a bit skeptical of what was going to happen but before he could ask any questions, the woman blew a kiss at him throwing him completely off before leaving. [color=fff200]“What the hell was that?”[/color] he said before eating the rest of the muffin once she disappeared out of sight. Why would he she tell him to stay home tonight though? It was so..odd...