I'll bump the updated app onto the current page... Character You're Applying For: [b]Marc Spector - Moon Knight[/b] [b]Powers And Abilities:[/b] Ambiguous. Exceptional fighter, both hand to hand and with virtually any weapon. Some affinity for the moon, whether it’s present state has a psychological or supernatural effect on him remains unclear. [b]Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs): [/b]Marc Spector ran away from home to join the armed forces at the earliest possible age. The oldest of two children in a devout Jewish household in Chicago, he sought a new hierarchical structure that praised and rewarded his own talents; talents for violence that would otherwise be frowned upon in general society and certainly at home. He qualified for the United States Marine Corps and quickly rose to Corporal as he was trusted implicitly by his fellow soldiers. After two tours he was given a token promotion to Sergeant as he was transferred from the DoD to work on special missions and duties under the CIA banner. [b][CLASSIFIED][/b] --At which point in time this group was disbanded. All involved were given Other Than Honourable Discharges and summarily removed from National Service to their countries of origin. Spector remained in contact with Jean Paul DuChamp (FFL, Caporal Chef) and the specialist contact from his last mission Raoul Bushman however. Due to a lack of military opportunities as a result of the OTHD, the three moved into the private sector. The three have been seen active in the Egyptian-Kahndaq region, around the Sinai Peninsula. What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?: Tying together damn near everything (except for one run that is incompatible) ...eventually. This is going to put the microscope over Moon Knight’s past, deal with who or what he is presently, and delve into what kind of future that means he can have. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] Jean Paul DuChamp, French Foreign Legion, Caporal Chef - JP DuChamp started his military career as a sniper, before later becoming one of the world’s foremost military pilots, able to pull off tough maneuvers in helicopters, light aircraft and virtually anything airborne. “Frenchie”, as Marc inarticulately would come to know him, became close friends with Spector when the pair worked on a clandestine team working dark missions. Possibly because Marc Spector seemed to have held the most of his humanity out of any in the group. Raoul Bushman - Raoul Bushman was a ranking “Specialist” in Marc’s final mission with the CIA. He also leads his own band of mercenaries presently around Northern Africa/Sinai Peninsula. More to come as I walk through the origin. [b]Character Picture:[/b] [center][img]https://filmgoblin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/MoonKnight-Banner.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Sample Post:[/b] The desert sands rose and swirled as the bird lowered. What once looked like a single spinning object slowed until 4 rotor blades were visible, and the men jumped out. Marc Spector. Ex-marine. Fighter. Violence given form, [b]“Miles from anywhere.”[/b] He grumbled, [b]“What have you dragged me into now, Bushman?”[/b] The mysterious man flashed a dark grin full of steel in response. [color=f26522]“That depends, Spector. If your friend dropped us off in the right place. Froggy, did you--”[/color] Jean Paul DuChamp. Pilot. Sniper. Boundless patience. [color=00aeef]“I asked you to stop calling me that… and yes. I set us down exactly where you said. The Alraune dig is just over 2 kilometres away, ov-[i]air[/i] that dune.”[/color] The French pilot chomped down on a cigarette holder. The heavyset man in command stormed forward leaving Spector and DuChamp to their own idle chatter. [b]“Really? A cigarette holder? Don’t you get tired of giving him stuff to rip on you about?”[/b] [color=00aeef]“Marc, what you may consider, ehh… ‘rip-worth-[i]ie[/i]’ my people would describe as a certain… [i]je ne sais quoi[/i].”[/color] The Frenchman held the cigarette holder betwen his teeth with a grin whilst straightening his pilot jacket, and presenting himself with a flourish gesture. [b]“Je ne sais quoi… Is that French for stereotypical?”[/b] The pair approached the heavyset man who was standing at the top of the sand dune his gaze caught on the target in question. Raoul Bushman. Mercenary. Sadist. Thoroughly Nasty Piece of Work. [color=f26522]“There it is, Spector. The vans will rendezvous here from the main pass back there in 3-4 hours. Meanwhile, we stake out the road between the dig and the city. Look for tendencies…”[/color] Spector pulled a pair of binoculars. He could see a small archeological crew sifting through a cordoned off area of desert. A large number of locals doing gruntwork, and two notable westerners - an old man and a young blonde woman. [color=f26522]“You asked what we were doing here, Spector...”[/color] The mercenary leader growled. [color=f26522]“We’re revenue raising...”[/color]