Basics Name: [color=SpringGreen]Holkulg[/color] Age: [color=SpringGreen]84[/color] Place of Birth: [color=SpringGreen]Khod Karkrard[/color] Gender: [color=SpringGreen]Male[/color] Species/Racial Origin: [color=SpringGreen]Orc[/color] Social Class/Community Status: [color=SpringGreen]Battle Mage (imprisoned)[/color] Language: [color=SpringGreen]Limited English, Orcish[/color] Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: [color=SpringGreen]Parents have disowned him to his magical affliction[/color] Physical Description Height: [color=SpringGreen]7"5[/color] Weight: [color=SpringGreen]20st[/color] Hair: [color=SpringGreen]No hair[/color] Eyes: [color=SpringGreen]Glowing blue/green eyes[/color] Limb Dexterity: [color=SpringGreen]Carries staff in right hand. Uses staff as bo staff, using both hands for close quarter combat[/color] Detailed Physical Description: [color=SpringGreen]Like most of his kind, he looks like a brute, big and strong. Despite is size, he is surprisingly light on his feet. His is one of the best Orcish mages to be trained today[/color] Typical Clothing/Equipment: [color=SpringGreen]See appearance, Soulshard Staff[/color] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: [color=SpringGreen]Impatient, frustrated, misunderstood[/color] Skills/Talents: [color=SpringGreen]Magic, mostly elemental and combat training with his staff[/color] Likes: [color=SpringGreen]Freedom, the breeze on his face, the sun on his skin, the sound of a forge[/color] Dislikes: [color=SpringGreen]Walls, cages, small spaces[/color] Goals/Ambitions: [color=SpringGreen]Live his life the way he wants, for a change[/color] Strengths: [color=SpringGreen]Casting magic, assisting allies[/color] Weaknesses: [color=SpringGreen]Doesn't wear armour so his vulnerable to nearly all attacks[/color] Fears: [color=SpringGreen]Traps[/color] Hobbies/Interests: [color=SpringGreen]Doesn't have many as he has been in prison all of his life, he does like to draw when he's allowed[/color] Philosophy of Life: [color=SpringGreen]Live free, if you can[/color] Attitude Toward Death: [color=SpringGreen]Sometime, he wishes death to claim him to end his suffering[/color] Beliefs: [color=SpringGreen]That he should not be in prison and used as a weapon because he can cast magic[/color] Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: [color=SpringGreen]Daily torture as a child fro being able to control magic[/color] Education/Special Training: [color=SpringGreen]Trained as a battle mage[/color] Place/Type of Residence: [color=SpringGreen]Mage Prison, Rozrerrag[/color] Occupation: [color=SpringGreen]Prisoner, Battle Mage[/color] Memberships: [color=SpringGreen]Guardian Corps[/color] Additional Notes