Hello all! The Title of this RP will change once I start the IC, but it does give a little insight to what I have in mind here; an RP about, well... anything, within reason, but not really. To make sense of what I just said, this RP will be contained in a Universe. Maybe it's our own universe, maybe it's some other universe, but maybe that detail doesn't really matter anyway. The point is, You can play as an individual character, a small group of people, a nation, an entire race of people, the population of a world, or even an animal or insect. You can have super powers, be a helpless derelict on a street in the alleyways of some dark city, or be the captain of an adventurers spaceship. The options are pretty much endless. By one way or another, I expect the different players will have their creations unite, find conflict with, or just simply bypass other character players in some fashion or form as the RP develops. This isn't the first time I've done this, I've tried it out before on another forum and it actually worked quite well, so I figured why not do it here? Despite the loose feeling of this RP, I will need to set up a few vague guidelines, such as; "Don't destroy the universe" or "Don't do things that ruin other players fun", but mostly just common sense stuff. [hr] [b]Edit:[/b] [u]Guidelines for character creations[/u] So what I had in mind was a universe "similar" to our own. But that isn't meant to be a tight restriction on what players create for their characters. For example, my own character/s will be humanoids, while others have expressed interest in vehicular entities, and maybe some will be inclined to create a character that leans more towards fantasy. Honestly, since life on each planet essentially develops at its own pace and takes it own path, any of these things are fine by me. So yeah, I think it would be fun and interesting to mix it up and have characters from many types of genres interact. Necromancer meets cyborg, human meets fantasy, Steampunk meets horrifying alien, etc. The only loose stipulation I have at this point is that your creation fits within the realm of possibilities. But again, I use that term loosely, [b]and I'm at least hoping that players will use a certain amount of plausible background to make their creation somewhat believable.[/b] [u]Character sheet formatting[/u] Since each character is gonna be different by most definitions, the format will be up to the player more or less. For instance, I wouldn't expect the format description of a vehicular entity to have the same format as someone who is RPing a human character. So I'm pretty much gonna leave that up to the players discretion. Just as long as it covers who or what they are in adequate detail. [hr] I will actively GM the RP, but only to a point, since I don't really want to inhibit peoples creativity, freedom, or fun. So how about it? XD