Seeing that the idea has progressed to the point some of our characters knew Davison before his disappearance and have motives personal to those who were hired to seek him out, that should settle the issue as much as it can. I imagine it is one of those scenarios where he vanishes from life in every sense, with his corporation the first to note his disappearance given he has vanished from his work. Of course that spurs them to launch their own, possibly second, investigation while some others closer to him are curious where he eloped to, and those outside them are now a tad bit paranoid where their source went off to. I agree that can be worked with. As far as the start date I would say whenever we really have no more major questions and once we do get some sort of template together, [@Terminal]. That in mind as a next order of business, what sort of template are we all interested in? I believe the only portion that really needs any blatant detail would be any cyberware or enhancements the individual has and a general description of just what those do.