CLOUD Cloud lowered his sword shortly after the woman stopped screaming. Shortly after that another woman walked in the two started arguing. "I'm not listening to anything you bastards have to say until the headache this screaming lunatic gave me goes away." He cast Heal on himself hoping it would help. HE-MAN & SHE-RA She-Ra put her sword down, not away. "Not a kidnapping? First you take us without asking, that is the very definition of a kidnapping." She-Ra rolled her eyes with great exaggeration at the stupidity of this man. "Alliance? If you want an alliance you go to the person and ask for help you do not kidnap them. "The act of kidnapping the sovereign rulers of any country by definition is an act of war. You people are so stupid. You better have one hell of a reason for this. Otherwise when our people come looking you better be prepared for war because war is coming and only we can stop it, right now we won't stop it." He-Man still had his sword pointed at the man and the witch. LINK Link was more than a little upset at her dream rejecting her. "Fine be that way." She wandered off in the opposite direction. She found a room full of steam. The sound of rushing water could be heard. Link decided to investigate. She bumped into a man taking a shower. Her hand accidentally touched something. "My what a big sword you have sugar."