Lin gave Atropos a wave and said, "See you later!" She then told the others, "Follow me, then. I'll show you all of the artifacts that Hez and I found during our adventures." She led Dice and Alice through the large rooms, each having different themes with artifacts that fit each one, such as food items in a restaurant-styled exhibit, bones and skeletons in a room designed like a graveyard, computer gadgets in a futuristic room, school desks and drawing supplies in some kind of atelier, and many, many others. "Due to the growing number of negative zones, we're always expanding our inventory and creating new exhibits that best fit current trends," Lin explained. "That isn't to say we're running out of room. Since this is Vivi-Dream, a world that doesn't follow real-world logic, we always have space to fit any artifacts we find." She asked Dice, "So are you getting the hang of this whole world? I know that last dungeon was really crazy, but that was one of a kind. Most zones usually have no monsters and are just exploratory in nature, or they may just have a few that one person can easily defeat."