Rebecca winced at the sound of breaking glass. Windows were expensive, for crying out loud, and Darnies' actions weren't exactly helping. Still, she had to admit he was right. [i]Technically.[/i] And the assholes were paying, which she'd take gladly. As the drunks rolled around on the floor, the lich noted their extreme inebriation. [i]Time to have a little fun.[/i] She bent down, putting her face right next to the lead moron, and flicked her necklace. Just enough to reveal her true form for half a second. The tough's face turned so pale, he could have passed for undead himself, and his eyes were wide as saucers. "I don't take well to anyone who starts fights in my bar. Don't. Come. Back." They scrambled out the door as best they could, and Rebecca smiled with self-satisfaction. After all, who's going to believe the guy who's so lit up he's already seeing pink elephants? Turning to Darnies, she shook her head in dismay. "You know, I'm pretty sure you were using some magic yourself there, kid. Two royal flushes in a week? Nobody's [i]that[/i] lucky. You can whip the locals all you want, just do it honestly. My insurance rates are going to go through the roof as it is."