Having still hoped nothing was actually damaged, she sighed at the mention of the light. Then again, it could have been worse. [color=FFB435]“Oh, I don’t have to treat you like a child? A ceiling light near the bow disagrees with that.”[/color] she shot back dryly on the private channel with Dev as not to hog the public one. Dev, too, was right to an extent. She [i]did[/i] treat a lot of people as if they were completely inept, to the misfortune of her and those around her in equal measure. [color=FFB435]“Fine,”[/color] she sighed, [color=FFB435]“I’ll give it the old college try. Maybe a combustible container would work best for the incendiary shells? Something that survives leaving the barrel, but disintegrates when the charge ignites?”[/color] she suggested, recalling the Irene’s main gun battery employed a similar system for the shell cartridges. When the ship slightly shuddered under an impact as a stray round slammed into the shield, Astrid’s gaze fell upon the shield monitoring readout. If it wasn’t for that shield, that round would’ve taken out the port side breaking thruster. In a stroke of luck, the Monroe hasn’t taken many hits so far. Was it luck, or crew skill? Astrid’s opinion of her species aside, that Satasi girl was one hell of a pilot. In either case, it was back to the old routine. Fortunately, the Monroe was decades younger, and in a much better shape than her last posting, which meant power didn’t have to be triaged between various subsystems and she had Tango helping out when necessary. Unless something broke down, then Dev’s light would suddenly cease to be a problem. The captain’s transmission conjured up a smile on her face. Though she hasn’t bothered to learn much about her new crew in the short time she’s been here, she thought she had a fairly good idea of what Dev’s solution to their given problem would be. [color=FFB435]“So, Dev, How much do you hate them? Can you round it down to the nearest kilogram?”[/color] She asked semi-seriously before turning her attention to the murderbots. [color=FFB435]“Thatch, can you give me a rundown of the pods you mentioned? Maybe we can use one of those instead of wasting a working one.”[/color] Escape pods. Those would’ve been nice to have a little while ago.