"Ah, c'mon Bec you know I don't like cheating," Darnies called back to her, taking no offense to her statement. "I try to get them to let me shuffle but they're always drunk and possessive. I tell them I'm a better shuffler given their inebriation and what do they do? Say I'm gonna cheat and then barely shuffle before dealing. I give 'em a chance," he gave a lazy smirk. "Not my fault they don't take it, I got rent to pay, and Chasa's groceries to buy, now." He set the broom against the wall, leaning against it himself for support while he wiped off a little more blood that was dripping down his arm. Before he could pick the broom up again, the Detectice Chasa had warned him about made his appearance, asking for Darnies's time. "Uh, sure Detective, let's sit down." He bypassed the broom and leaned down the wall a little further to pick up his cane, shifting his weight onto it and pushing off the wall. He began heading back to the booth he and Chasa had been sitting in earlier, and he grinned at the girl as he passed her spot at the bar where she was holding another old rag out for him, not even looking his way. When they got to the booth, he set the cleaner rag on the table and allowed his arm to rest on it. "What can I help you with, Detective?" - Chasa let out a small sigh as she glanced to where the two men had sat down before turning her attention back to Rebecca. "You know next time he stops by he's going to have a whole new bag of rags for you, right?" She asked, chin in her palm and a small smile on her lips. Darnies was a good kid, Chasa knew this, but she be damned if that boy wasn't the biggest trouble magnet she'd ever met in her life. But he'd saved her life, he'd made Rebecca that talisman so she could live as normal a life as any other Supernatural in Gravette, free of charge. She couldn't figure out if he overcompensates for any damage he might have caused or if he really is just that kind; she truly feels it's the latter. Whether Darnies himself would agree was another matter.