[img]https://i.imgur.com/IRyA353.png[/img] [b]The Illesian Kingdom, Concise History, Basic Government Structure[/b] The Illesian Kingdom is a fairly old Monarchy that dates back centuries, from a time when it was once composed of three separate Monarchies that fused themselves together under one crown, which is the source of the flag representing the Three Old Crowns. Never one to rush to war, the Illesians tended to focus on their people and maintaining relations with other powers, ensuring their existence with a defensive-focused army and diplomatic alliances. The nobility of Illesia is absolutely still present, though as the Kingdom advances further into the modern era, they have seen their power decline more and more as a growing middle class begins to take hold and wield increasing influence and sway with the government. It is a Kingdom that exists with King Avandre VII at the very top of the power hierarchy, theoretically wielding absolute power and the ability to overrule any decision made within the Kingdom, though the Kings of Illesia have refrained from the use of such power since the beginning of the Monarchy, instead delegating portions of their power and jurisdiction to underlying Committees formed of men more knowledgeable in areas of governance than the Kings. The Committees send their determinations and suggestions to the King to be checked and either accepted or rejected, allowing for oversight and control over the Committees' powers. Thus, both executive and legislative power are distributed among the Committees but ultimately held fully by the King or Queen themselves. Judicial power is also derived from the Crown, with a series of High Courts and Lower Courts arranged in a descending hierarchy dealing with increasingly more mundane issues. Appeals can be submitted such that cases can climb the hierarchy and eventually be presented before the King, but it is extremely rare for the King to care to decide a judicial case, usually leaving the decisions to the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court of Illesia, which derives its power directly from the King or Queen themselves. The Military, meanwhile, stands also directly beneath the King, with the Monarch able to order them to do exactly what they wish, though again, the Illesian Monarchs usually take a back seat to the running of the military, instead leaving it to two Triumvirates that head either the Army or the Navy. High-level decisions require the majority approval of their respective Triumvirate, with the command structure descending hierarchically from there.