[quote=@Morden Man] That would take a lot more work than you think. I just recorded myself the first few paragraphs of my opening Fantastic Four post. It took quite a while. Nothing will teach you that your posts are too long-winded like being made to read something you've written out loud. [/quote] This. Always, always read your work aloud prior to submitting. Both to catch grammatical errors that your mind would glaze over simply reading silently, and to learn if there are any awkward pauses or long-winded moments that can be adjusted. This is the number one rule of editing and proofreading that surprisingly few people ever do. It solves many issues that plague pieces of writing and is well worth the minimal amount of effort it takes. I can't even begin to count the number of times I've started the proofreading process and immediately caught numerable problems that should have easily been noticed by the author. Always thoroughly read through your writing at least twice, with at least one time being out loud. It works wonders and immediately makes you look more capable/professional.