Rebecca glanced at the detective. Of course she knew who was committing the murders, at least in a general sense. But she couldn't just come out and say, "Gee, officer, I think that it was a bunch of monster hunters." She'd sound like a madwoman, at best. Still, it couldn't hurt to be nice to the cops. "Good to see you, Scott, though I wish it was under better circumstances. I'm not going to waste my time offering you booze on the clock, but maybe you'd like a soda and a burger." She gave him her warmest smile, honed over the centuries. As she started up the grill, Rebecca chuckled at Chasa's commentary. "Truth be told, the rags aren't too bad. I'd much rather have help with the taxes and paperwork- it never ends." She started to think, though- if she could somehow get into that apartment, maybe Eric himself could give them something. After all, who better to finger a murderer than the victim?