[b]Ultimate One Universe: Year One Application[/b] [u]Character You're Applying For:[/u] Daniel Cassidy/Astaroth: Blue Devil [u]Origin And Backstory:[/u] Daniel Cassidy is your average Generation Z high school graduate. He has few ambitions in life and no direction for his future. He likes pizza, has an annoying younger sister, and can probably kick your ass in Smash Bros.. Astaroth is an eons-old demonic entity from Hell. Formerly a foot soldier risen to the ranks of General of Hell. A loyal follower of Lucifer prior to the Morningstar's abdication of the throne, Astaroth has always had a fascination and certain fondness for Earth's culture and inhabitants. With the departure of Lucifer, the current ruler of Hell, Asmodel, plans to lead his demonic forces in a war against Heaven. To do this, Asmodel intends to take advantage of the recent passing of the former Sorcerer Supreme and invade Earth while its defenses are down and take by force the billions of souls present there to empower himself and his army. Disagreeing with Asmodel's direction and methods, Astaroth has openly rebelled in order to preserve the Earth he's come to appreciate from afar. Knowing that in order to bring the entirety of Hell's forces to Earth Asmodel would have to utilize the Trident of Lucifer, Hell's most powerful artifact, Astaroth stole the relic and transported himself to Earth with the intent of keeping it from the grasp of Asmodel. Unskilled with the mystical arts, Astaroth attempted to cast a spell through the Trident to hide his demonic essence and avoid being tracked by possessing the comatose or deceased body of a mortal. Instead, he was drawn into the body of the very much living and confused Daniel Cassidy. That was yesterday. [u]Powers And Abilities:[/u] Daniel is a capable gamer with mediocre rankings and accolades in such games as Call of Duty, Dragonball Fighter Z, and Fortnite. He can chug a litre of Mountain Dew in less than 70 seconds. He has been known to open a jar of pickles unassisted. Thankfully, while fused with Astaroth, he can will himself to take on the demon's form and powers. Astaroth is a powerful, high-ranking demon trained for millenia as an elite warrior and expert strategist. His raw physical might puts him as one of the strongest entities in Hell, Heaven, or Earth. Possessing levels of durability, speed, agility far above average demons, he has in the past gone toe-to-toe with beings such as Etrigan and Eclipso. Enhanced regenerative abilities allow Astaroth to recover from life-threatening wounds in less than a day. However, any injuries suffered as Blue Devil will be transferred to Daniel's human form should he change back. Thus, any and all healing must be done while in demonic form. While far from a master of the mystical arts, Astaroth possesses some low-level magical abilities, and is capable of casting several lesser spells with moderate success. The Trident of Lucifer is host to many abilities. These include: sensing demons and other mystically linked beings, being able to banish low-level demons to Hell, blasts of Hellfire at varying intensities, teleportation, and enhancing the power of the spells and incantations of the holder. Not that Daniel is capable of properly using such an artifact. [u]What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:[/u] Well, if you know anything about the comic-version, this Daniel is not only significantly younger, but the entire concept of Blue Devil is unique. As opposed to a man in a high-tech suit turned man who made a deal with a devil to gain true power, this Blue Devil is a blend of two entities sharing a body. As such, the conflicts, difficulties, and drama that will arise are inherently different. Both Dan and Astaroth act as the 'main character' in this story, both are equally as important. Also, the demonic visage is not a permanent form but an at-will transformation, and this allows me to also focus more on Daniel's personal and home/school life that the comics tend to shy from. Essentially, this is the tale of a young man with newfound powers who has seen the rise of the recent Cape Culture and wants a taste, and the tale of an ancient demon trapped in the body of an Earth adolescent while desperately wishing to safeguard and hide the Trident from the many dark forces who wish to possess it. [u]Supporting Characters:[/u] In no particular order, and with more to be added as they appear/are mentioned. - Asmodel: Current ruler of Hell, most powerful of modern Triumvirate, the Third of the Fallen angels. - Beelzebub: Powerful demon lord, former first general of Hell, first of the newer generation of Triumvirate members. - Belial: Most recent Triumvirate addition. Ruthless, former general of Hell and direct superior of Astaroth. - Sharon Scott: Former high school classmate of Daniel's who will join him as a freshman at university come Autumn. Aspiring actress. - Marla Bloom: Aunt of Eddie Bloomberg. Close friend of Daniel's mother. - Eddie Bloomberg: Young boy and neighbor Daniel babysits for. - Mary Frances Cassidy: Daniel's younger sister. There are a handful of villains from DC and Marvel, both demonic and human alike, I intend to utilize, but I'll avoid from listing them until they are canonically introduced. [center][img]http://www.simpleimageresizer.com/_uploads/photos/747538f4/BD_2_60.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Shitty sample post I wrote pre-Guildfall for Gowi's first Maximum game. Non-canon to this, obviously.] Astaroth moved quickly and silently, using the large stalagmites for cover. He could hear the battle raging off in the distance of the wastelands. Not that it was much of a battle. After a decade at war, his forces had dwindled down to less than fifty demons; only seventeen of which were actual warriors. Astaroth expected the battle to last no longer than ten minutes. If all went well, that was all he would need. He felt guilty about sending so many demons to their deaths. Good demons, as much of an oxymoron as that was. Most of them were like him; developing, at some point or another, an infatuation with Earth and it's inhabitants. None wanted to see it ravaged, and now they were willingly offering their lives, knowing they had no chance of winning. They were a distraction, and nothing more. The closer he came to his target, the more resolved he became in his task. Astaroth knew that his mission, like his fellow soldiers, was also likely a suicide run, but it was the only chance they had left to save the Earth. He could see Lucifer's domain in the distance, growing closer with every passing minute. Astaroth didn't have long before they found him. Honestly, he had thought his presence would have been detected long ago, but whether by a miracle or by chance he had nearly made it the whole way safely. Astaroth neared his destination, a small, single floor building located behind the front lines. It was as deformed as any other building in Hell, having been constructed from the bodies of the damned. It wasn't actually Lucifer's home - which was located miles away in the Pandemonia district - but a temporary command center for the Devil and his generals close to the battlegrounds. Judging from the lack of soldiers awaiting him, it seemed as if his presence truly had gone unnoticed. Odd, but Astaroth was not concerned with how or why at the moment, so long as fortune continued to favor him. He surveyed the perimeter for guards as he crouched behind a particularly tall stalagmite. He knew that while Lucifer was personally out fighting the Trident would be left behind. The ruler of Hell was too proud and arrogant to use the full might of his abilities on beings he considered unworthy and beneath him. However, Astaroth doubted even Lucifer would be so arrogant as to leave his greatest weapon unprotected should, by some miracle, one of his foes reach it. Astaroth waited, monitoring the building for some time before he was comfortable enough in his assessment. Two demons; that was all he had seen patrolling the grounds. Of course, there could be more inside, but Astaroth did not think Lucifer would allow anyone, especially not glorified watchdogs, in the same room as his victory ticket in the war with Heaven if he were not there. He eyed the two, appraising their fighting capabilities. Although he himself was extremely powerful, Astaroth was not willing to take any chances when it came to this mission. All it took was for him to get only a little overconfident, to barely let his guard down, and a lucky attack or surprise maneuver could end it all right then and there. He could not let that happen; too much was riding on this. The first guard - a short, stocky demon with grey skin, and spiky protrusions - paced back and forth outside the front entrance. He was well muscled, but the aura he gave off was considerably lower than Astaroth's. The second - a tall, equally muscled demon of dark yellow - was doing a wider sweep of the area. He had a slightly stronger aura than the first, but still wasn't much of a threat. Astaroth decided it was time to make his move. Once the short one was facing away, and the larger's repetitive route had taken him far enough from the entrance, Astaroth rushed from behind his hiding spot and pounced on the first demon. His leg snapped out and struck at the knees. The guard collapsed, a sharp cry of both pain and surprise escaping his lips before Astaroth's hands gripped both sides of his face and twisted suddenly to the right. "Be silent." He snarled. By now the second demon guard was coming back around, but he was of no consequence anymore as Astaroth pulled open the door and entered the building. Although there were several rooms, he did not need to search very hard for his target. Lucifer truly was a being too proud and overconfident for his own good. There, in the middle of the war room, floating in midair a foot off the ground, as if on display at an Earth museum was Lucifer's Trident. The most powerful weapon in all of Hell, and the fool did nothing to keep it out of unwanted hands. He shot a hand out to grab it, and immediately recoiled in pain; his fingers feeling as if they were burning, and the skin beginning to melt away around the knuckles. An alarm began wailing, and Astaroth cursed his own foolishness. There he was mocking Lucifer's apparent arrogance, while he himself became too confident and made the mistake of not checking for any wards protecting the Trident. He knew the guard he had left alive would now be coming for him, and reinforcements would not be far away. Lucifer himself would likely be on his way. Astaroth did not have much time, and to make matters worse he was not adept at the mystical arts. They had never been his strong suit, and now he had no way to disarm the protective barrier. Just then Astaroth felt a pair of claws dig into his back as he was picked up and tossed into a wall by the taller demon. "Blast! I underestimated his speed. I have to kill this one quickly, before reinforcements arrive. I will not allow this to all have been for naught." He climbed to his feet and spun around with blinding speed, reacting fast enough to catch the leg of the demon who had aimed a kick at his head. Astaroth bent his arm at a ninety degree angle and brought his elbow down on the guard's knee with considerable force, an audible snap resonating through the room. He followed this with a slash across the guard's throat, his claws ripping through flesh. The yellow demon fell to the ground, hands clutching at his neck. For his credit, this one did not make a sound. Returning his attention to the Trident, and the mystical barrier surrounding it, Astaroth attempted to work out a way around it. From what he could tell, the Trident was surrounded by an invisible wall of concentrated Hellfire, intensified to a level of disintegration - as was evident from the missing skin around his knuckles. Hellfire was the main source of offensive power for demons. An energy that could take many forms and be used for an endless variety of effects; including concussive beams, physical fire that could cause excruciating pain, summoning of spirits and entities, pure destruction, or even instant death depending on the level of the user and their intent. And with a being such as Lucifer casting the protective spell, Astaroth knew he had no chance of disarming it, even if he were mastered in the mystical arts. Had he been a weaker demon, such as one of the guards, simply touching the barrier would have been enough to utterly destroy him. Lucifer's soldiers were likely to arrive at any second, and Astaroth saw no other way to retrieve the Trident than a direct approach; and even that was doubtful to succeed. Taking a deep breath and willing himself to be strong, he pressed his palm against the invisible wall and pushed with all his might. He could feel the skin on his hand slowly melting away as a burning sensation crept up his forearm and to his shoulder. The pain receptors in his entire arm were alive and screaming; he had never felt such pain in all of his existence. Still he pushed, the wrist of his hand now through the barrier. The Trident was only inches away, but that might be too far as he saw the entire outer layer of the skin covering the muscles and tissue of his hand dissolve away. He shouted, not in pain, but in determination, using all of the strength he possessed to push through. Finally his fingers brushed against the metal of the weapon before they wrapped around the shaft. Gritting his pointed teeth, Astaroth yanked back as hard as he could, freeing the Trident from it's protective barrier. He immediately switched hands, holding the Trident in his left as he watched the remaining tissue and muscles on his right disintegrate, the bones from his wrist and below, no longer held together by any ligaments, clattered to the floor. He stared at his right arm, now effectively useless, as his skin finally stopped melting just below his elbow. Despite the pain he was in and the loss of his hand, Astaroth smiled. He had won, for now at least. With the Trident in his possession, Lucifer's plans to enslave humanity were ruined. "Rejoice, brothers," he thought, remembering his fallen comrades. "For on this day we have achieved the victory we had all dreamed of." Through the open doorway Astaroth could see a few dozen foot soldiers running towards the building, only a few hundred feet away. Just past the stampeding horde he could make out the distinctive, shining aura - one of the few to be visible to the naked eye - of Lucifer Morningstar, flying towards his command center at a breakneck speed. Though Lucifer was still of some distance away, Astaroth could swear he saw both desperation and anger in the Devil's eyes. This only broadened his grin as Astaroth raised the Trident high then slammed the base hard into the floor - channeling one of the few abilities the Trident possessed that he knew he could access - and uttered a single word. "Earth." [/hider]