[center][h1] War: City State of Julia vs Holy Empire of Vigentino[/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/36/33/06/363306544ebb2c3b08ed91b6114b4057--city-streets-world-war.jpg[/img] [i]Julian Homeguard seen marching to the walls, April 1905...[/i] The news came about the horde of Julians in south Vigentino, they drove of an entire Garrision by themselves unarmed and unprepared. It was news that Viscount Zach Nato wasn't expecting to hear. Now Julians had spilled blood, and it was too late to back. This was like garbage fire that was kicked down the road, it would only get worse from here. By now though, everyone had been expecting nationalistic tendencies something unseen in Julians since the early formation of the City State. It was insane, and intoxicating even Zach's son Zach the 2nd in all his glory was calling for the death of Vigentinos. At the possibility of losing it all, or being killed by his own people Viscount Nato had no real choice but to declare war. People say there is choice but when all choices lead to horror you pick the most selfish, one for yourself. Spare yourself and not the children. Commander Mark Killigan had began to hobble into the legislative chambers, the assembly had just ended as Viscount Nato had looked a little paler than before. Everyone around him seemed ecstatic, in a partisan effort the vote for war had been passed and people were celebrating. The commander who was pushing eighty-two hobbled up to the young King. "Sir.. Awaiting your orders for the guard." He said in a raspy and sinister voice. The Viscount waved him away "Form up the guard, defend the walls from Vigentino. They'll be coming soon, I just hope I'll be here to see this end." The commander patted the king on the shoulder "Don't worry young king... When your father was around, him and I fought the Vigentinos once... We'll do it again." The Commander walked out of the room, heading to his new Homeguard Army Group! "Men... To me! Today we fight, for Julia! For the City, for the World!" He raises his hands as he stands tall at the steps of parliament. The soldiers outside, of course not the entire army group erupt in cheers and applause, even some civilians are excited aswell. Little did Viscount Nato know that Mark Killigan had fought in the last Vigentino war but that war ended in the loss of Methyrnia. That was then, this is now. [hr] [hider= Call to Arms] Dear King Roy Carl, War has been declared by Viscount Zach Nato, he calls for Cadia to take arms and supply at least [REDACTED] amount of troops in the capital by July. Sincerely, Foreign Minister Lupius De-Rosa[/hider] [hider=War Declaration] I, Viscount Zach Nato faithful leader of the City of Julia in her best wishes for the people and country declare war on The Holy Empire of Vigentino until death or reunification of Methyrnia. [i]Viscount Zach Nato[/i][/hider] (+1 all actions) [/center]