[@KatherinWinter][@FalkiThomas][@Raptra][@Sleeth] Isago was grateful they listened and didn't laugh or decided to run away. Ratte showed her appreciation and then shared some of what she's been hearing. Isago raised an eyebrow. "Hmm...that pirate guy...." Isago looked at Kai. "For all I know, he could be working for another group. Besides the people that have worked with us on the heist, I'm not sure if we can trust him. That's just my take. If we were going to be set up by people on our team, we all would've been taken out a while ago. I have heard from someone that somebody was asking about me...but that was it so far. But I agree that we need to keep in touch. Turning to Kai, Isago looked the bot up and down. "How safe is your basement, kid? Have you seen or noticed anyone watching you or officials come to the building often? I'm asking because if we need to, maybe we shouldn't just have that as our main hideout. Possibly another place just in case. There's no telling who all we have to look out for but tomorrow...I'm going to try and figure out who are after us? And if any of us get information about Widow...please...we need to share it with each other."