So, late heads up, but it applies for the future anyway, mondays and tuesdays are not great days for me getting online. Sometimes I can keep an eye on the threads, but I'm unlikely to make any kinds of posts. So let me try to hit things in order. [@soren] Character looks good, but I think we already had that hashed out okay [@webboysurf] Character is good. [@EldarionI] Character is good. [@tobiax] Oh wow, okay. Yeah, that's all fine. I'll have to see the character attached to it. Any particular reason he doesn't wall crawl? You might be losing me on specific and various comic book knowledge, but I don't see why we having the same origin would make the spider sense not work. But I also don't really get how it's supposed to work in the first place. I think if it comes to it, whoever has the stronger Spider Sense can sense or sneak up on someone with a weaker one. [@Burning Kitty] New power set is fine I hadn't thought of adding more points in, but we might do. Hey, let me know if I missed anything.