Garfield High: Last year’s graduating class was about 1500, and this year’s looks to be bigger. A growing school on the North-Eastern end of Staten Island, the administration is only just now starting to realize that they might need to expand their facilities. Academic scores are average, though thanks to Stark Industries, they have a very impressive science lab(but what New York school doesn’t, now?). The surrounding neighborhoods are more on the suburban end, and quite boring for most teenagers, so the most popular weekend or after school activity is to take the ferry to Manhattan, or the bridge to Brooklyn. All in all, a pretty normal school in a pretty normal neighborhood. Nobody could predict that it would become the center of amazing events. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The basic premise is that a plan to replicate Spider-Man's formidable power in a lab(run by, guess who, Ozcorp) goes awry, because of course it does. The result is a sort of virus that only works on some people, particularly younger folk. The cast will be a handful of teens(or children, if anyone wants to go younger) who gain similar powers to Spidey. [hider=CS] Name: Obvious. Age: 18 is the oldest. Though events start in a high school, you don’t have to be a student there, so younger is allowed too, but remember that that would put more pressure on you to get your character involved. Appearance: Pictures are acceptable, no anime though. Background: Doesn’t need to be much. I expect this RP will begin with the most interesting part of every characters life. Hero name: This and the costume will develop in the RP, but feel free to decide it ahead of time. Costume: Powers: You have 100 points(or percentage, or whatever) to divide between these abilities. Super Strength: Speed and Agility: Spider Sense: Durability: Accelerated Healing: Camouflage: Venom Blast: A neurotoxin delivered through direct contact, usually through the hands. Variant: Anything new, this will be subject to approval, but if you can justify it being related to spiders, you’ll probably be good. [/hider] Expectations: I don't like to set hard and fast rules, but here is what is expected in this game. 1: Posting. I am no kind of stickler for post size, but I do always expect a reasonable standard of grammar and spelling. If a post is particularly lousy with errors, I'll shoot you a quick PM and just ask you to proof read it. If you don't(or can't) we'll have a discussion about the quality of your posts. I don't want to have to do that, but I will. As far as frequency goes, if someone's waiting on you, I should hope for a post within a week. If your character is not currently involved in anything, just post when you're ready. If you know you're going to need a break, or will be gone for a bit, just find an excuse for your character to get sidelined. 2: Content. Just follow the site rules, I don't have any of my own in particular. If something comes up that makes me change my mind, I'll add it in here. I think we all know what does and does not fly. 3: Canon. I personally try to avoid using canon characters, but a large part of this is that there are very very few that I feel I can do justice to. Obviously none of us will be playing canon characters, but if there's one(particularly a villain) that you feel you can do really well, PM me and we might work them in. This will otherwise take place in a pretty generalized version of the Marvel Universe. The MCU is a good base, though without certain recent events. That being said, no spoilers to anything major and recent. That includes the MCU of course, and also the comics.