It might require minor tweaking, but... Just in case the crew needs additional hands now that the Preacher is having issues, I am submitting my favorite pseudo-anachronism for acceptance. Ladies and Gentleman, I present Miss Bridgette Anne Vinters, updated for the 'Verse. My apologies for the length of the CS, I got a little detailed. [hider=Bridgette] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=orangered][center]Bridgette Vinters[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=orangered][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=orangered]Name:[/color][/b] Bridgette Anne Vinters [b][color=orangered]Aliases:[/color][/b] Bree, Bridge, Blue Valkyrie, Shieldmaiden of Borr [b][color=orangered]Age:[/color][/b] 30 [b][color=orangered]Birthday:[/color][/b] May 5 [b][color=orangered]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Caucasian, mainly Nordic descent [b][color=orangered]Birth Planet:[/color][/b] Aesir [b][color=orangered]Allegiance:[/color][/b] Independent [b][color=orangered]Starting Location:[/color][/b] Newhope [b][color=orangered]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=orangered]Occupation:[/color][/b] Rom Skjaldmær ([i]literally: Space Shieldmaiden[/i]), Armorer / Combat Specialist [hr][center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=dimgray][sub]"Wait, is she smiling at us? Okay... um, [i]RUN[/i].[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][h3][b][i][color=orangered][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=orangered]Height:[/color][/b] 6'1" [b][color=orangered]Weight:[/color][/b] 170 [b][color=orangered]Build:[/color][/b] Wiry, with long limbs and chiseled, powerful musculature. [b][color=orangered]Eyes:[/color][/b] Seawater Blue [b][color=orangered]Hair:[/color][/b] Blonde, long. Occasionally set in braids. [b][color=orangered]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Pale, cool skin with clear completion. [b][color=orangered]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Several burn scars from years of metalwork, multiple ear piercings. Some healed lacerations from melee and ballistic injuries. [b][color=orangered]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Bridgette's style is a curious mix of Old World and modern utility. She prefers neutral colored cargo pants and dark tank tops while working or grabbing a drink after hours. Alternately, she is equally comfortable in fitting tops made from natural materials and long, dark skirts. The feel of much of her clothing is laborer or rural, tough and well looked after, but with interesting splashes of color. Bridgette has a thing for rainbow colored kneehigh socks and Nordic styled [url=]leggings[/url], often with snowflake patterns. Heavy black boots are an almost constant accessory, usually at least calf-high. Leather, preferably. Jewelry is a fairly simplistic affair. She wears a silver, wolf head torc around her neck and four gold earrings, two in each ear. Her main identifying accessories, however, are her shield and mantle. The mantle is long, hooded, and fashioned of thick, fluffy white bear fur. It clasps around her neck or can be attached to her armor at the shoulders. Concerning Bridgette's armor, it is taken from a now defunct private security company that was contracted to deal with issues in the Himinbjorg system, of which she was a locally sourced peripheral employee. The influence of Alliance gear is obvious, though it is noticeably different. She wears it much of the time she is out and about, and is perfectly comfortable doing so. Her shield is commonly worn across her back by an adjustable strap. While not overly girly or effeminate, Bridgette [i]is[/i] a lady, as she will violently remind others. She does prefer to keep up her hygiene and appearance, including makeup, and is in fact rather fond of anything that enhances her eyes. She is no Picasso, granted, and it winds up being rather bold or simplistic at times, but the effort is noticeable. [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=orangered][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=orangered][center][color=00a651]Loyal[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Angry[/color] * [color=00a651]Cheerful[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Blunt[/color] * [color=00a651]Magnetic[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Vulgar[/color][/center][/color][/i] [b][color=orangered]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Bisexual [b][color=orangered]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=orangered]Personality:[/color][/b] If it is possible to be cheerful and angry simultaneously, Bridgette has found a way. She is generally an open, honest person, if unstably vulgar. And that’s if she feels comfortable around you. If not, she’s a little standoffish, bordering on violent (so don’t push it). Somehow, her more negative qualities coupled with her strong, independent personality give her a drawing quality. She is fairly charismatic, but involuntarily so. Most comfortable in a forge or workshop, preferably outdoors, she takes delight in the creation of useful things with ingots and wire, reclaiming scrap steel for artistic and practical endeavors. Socially, she seems a bit stunted. She wants to be funny and outgoing, but experience has taught her never to get particularly close with anyone or rooted in any one spot. Secretly, she hopes for the opposite of this - a home and friends, maybe one day a family. Her occupation limits opportunities in this regard, and let’s face it: Bridgette isn’t the petite, sophisticated type. Regardless of her faults and despite her history, Bridgette is in total adoration of The 'Verse in general. It's just a lot of the people in it that piss her off. Bridgette grabs life by the lips with both hands and [i]yanks[/i] as hard as she can. She isn't shy, she doesn't hesitate; it is almost impossible to shame her. [b][color=orangered]Habits:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Tapping nails [*] Popping knuckles/joints [*] Swearing [/list] [b][color=orangered]Hobbies:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Making wire jewelry (torcs and such) [*] Metalwork (melee weapon and armor smithing, as well as more common things like welding and repairs) [*] Training - Strength and combat exercises mostly [*] Sledding (sometimes on her shield) [/list] [b][color=orangered]Fears:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Alliance returning to tie up loose ends [*] Dying badly [*] Her family being used against her [/list] [b][color=orangered]Likes:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Sugar/Sweets [*] Loud, Heavy Music [*] Drinking [*] A Decent Cut of Steak [*] Horseback Riding [*] Fresh Fruit [*] Video Games [*] Working With Her Hands [*] A Good Fight [*] Exercising/Training [*] Snow [/list] [b][color=orangered]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Pushy people (she likes to be the only one) [*] Herbal “Tea”, decaf "coffee", etc. (because what’s the point without caffeine?) [*] [i][u]Reavers[/u][/i] [*] Impatient People [*] Shoddy Craftsmanship [*] People touching her horse without permission [*] The term "Toy Soldier" [/list] [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=orangered][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=orangered]General Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Animals [*] Art - Metalcraft [*] Athletics [*] Discipline [*] Gun Combat [*] Heavy Weapons [*] Mechanic [*] Melee [*] Tactics [*] Weapon Engineering [/list] [b][color=orangered]Specialty Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Melee (Martial Art) [*] Melee (Blade) [*] Melee (Blunt) [*] Animals (Riding) [*] Athletics (Strength) [/list] [b][color=orangered]What Is On Your Person:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Clothing (Black tank top and mottled, dark brown cargo pants, black work boots with hot pink laces and rainbow colored kneehigh socks. Over everything is a great hooded mantle of fluffy white fur, and tied around her head is a pink paisley bandana.) [*] Jewelry (silver wolf's head torc, two runic [url=]ear cuffs[/url], four gold 10 gauge seamless earrings) [*] Armband containing six self-injecting syringes of pure, cardiac stable adrenaline [*] [url=]Spear[/url] (lengthens from four to seven feet, generally kept on back of shield) [*] [url=]Security Armor[/url] (light ergonomic tactical armor drawing inspiration from Alliance military and riot gear, rank and identifying markings removed - includes shin/knee guards and forearm/hard knuckle protection, and light helmet with transparent face shield. Helmet clips to armor when not in use and contains removable short range comm.) [*] [Url=]Viking Roundshield[/url] (36 inches, lightweight ballistic material with titanium fittings, tactical grip and carrying strap, plus a firmpoint to secure a secondary weapon) [*][url=]Seax[/url] [url=](Short Sword)[/url] [*] Sawed Off O/U Shotgun (loaded) [*] Sawed Off O/U Shotgun (loaded) [*] Gunbelt with hip holsters (24 shells) [/list] [b][color=orangered]Quarters:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Large Utility Trunk (with wheels, extendable handle, and adjustable straps) [*] Modest Wardrobe, including a [url=]formal[/url] [url=]set[/url]. [*] Spools of Titanium Wire (crafting a hauberk, WIP, about 3/4 done) [*] Hammock [*] Tools. Lots of tools appropriate to her callings. [*] Large Leather Roll Case containing various melee weapons, including a [url=]Chopper[/url] with leather sheath, Brace of [url=]Goosewing Axes[/url] (pulled from a Reaver, belonged to a friend), personal cutters, her favorite [url=]Broadaxe[/url], various spearheads and end caps. [*] "Girly Bag" (pink Neko Kitty backpack containing a stash of cosmetics, birth control measures, feminine hygiene products, a hard case containing six self-injecting syringes of pure, cardiac stable adrenaline, a couple bottles of industrial grade painkillers, and a battery operated entertainment/deep tissue massaging device named "Eduardo") [*] Bandoleer of shotgun shells (holds 50) [*] Portable Hydrogen Forge (disassembles into carrying case) with backup canisters [*] Cortex Terminal (mostly for personal entertainment and data storage) [/list] [hr][center][img][/img] [sub][color=dimgray][i]Skjaldmær on the hunt.[/i][/color][/sub][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=orangered][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=orangered]The Reason You Chose The Side You Did:[/color][/b] Bridgette's allegiance is to herself and her people, be they from Aesir, the greater Himinbjorg system, or her fellow maniacs on Borr. While neither her home planet nor her system have declared war, they have declared independence from the Alliance despite the inability to withstand their full military attention. As for Bridgette herself, she believes that it is only a matter of time until the Alliance pays precisely that attention. Her estimation is that they will require a much more established military and allies to fully break away, and until then it is all wishful thinking. If that means Browncoats, so be it. Until something changes, Bridgette is just fine with her new life out in the Black. [b][color=orangered]History:[/color][/b] The colorful lady known as Bridgette was born in a larger settlement on the border planet Aesir in the Himinbjorg system. Her mother died shortly after Bridgette was took her first breaths (complications of childbirth), leaving her to be raised by a father who, in hindsight, probably wanted a son. Nevertheless, there was love there, if a bit gruff and inexperienced. He was a professional boxer, regionally successful but never quite getting his big break. Still, it provided a life for his family that was marginally better than logging or working in the cannery. He insisted that his daughter learn from him at an early age, and when she got a little older, enrolled her in a proper gym. She excelled. Bridgette got a lot of practice outside of the ring as well, making her preferred style less "Marquess of Queensberry" and more "Because Fuck'em, That's Why". When she was old enough to make decisions concerning her own education, Bridgette began studying metalwork and apprenticing under various blacksmiths, machinists, and mechanics for short term contracts. This kind of labor appealed to her greatly, creating and working with her hands. It was the life she wanted to lead; simple, honest, creative. Then the Unification War happened. Bridgette's family was neutral to the whole idea, bordering on siding with the Independents. They had always been under Alliance control, though being in a more distant border system their grip wasn't as strong there. There were problems with Reaver attacks in the system, and threats of the escalating conflict between the Alliance and Independents spilling into their corner of the Black, neither of which could be ignored. Corporate executives and former military officers stepped up to take control of these issues, cutting ties with their employers to form the Fenrir Group (or just [i]Fenrir[/i]), a private security company. The fact that it was accomplished with a substantial infusion of Alliance funding was kept very quiet from everyone not on the Board of Directors. Fenrir set up HQ on Borr, one of Aesir's terraformed moons. By odd coincidence, Reaver attacks became more common there, prompting settlers to demand protection from the security company. In response, The Fenrir Group began hiring locals, added them into their existing staff and formed them into a private army. Fenrir provided the best of training and education possible, not to mention a seriously liveable salary. It was an amazing opportunity for the local population, getting paid decently to protect the people of their own system against Reaver incursions, piracy, and maintain the peace. Bridgette herself joined for these reasons, hoping for a single term of service and benefits from it. Instead, she found the possibility of a career. After basic training and subsequent specialization, she took a job with the Fenrir Group's armory, maintaining their melee and small arms cache. It played right into her strengths, and for a time she was happy. And here's where it got darker. Fast. Reaver attacks became ludicrously common, prompting the primarily Scandinavian influenced company to establish a corps of specialised soldiers, codenamed "Berserkers". These Berserkers were chosen because of their background, certain tendencies, and psychological profile. Additionally, the group was selected mainly from personnel drawn from Aesir, or the Himinbjorg system in general. Bridgette was among those selected. Berserkers were put through a rigorous program involving gravity enhanced strength training, use of melee weapons, shields, and other seemingly archaic methods of combat including the ancient tactics of the Vikings, Spartans, and Romans, blended with modern practices. The goal was to create a group of front line combatants that were as fierce as the Reavers in combat, but loyal, organized, and recognizable as human. [i][b]Their initial stated function was to meet Reavers in ground warfare[/b][/i], though they were proven to be excellent, multipurpose shock troops and were highly proficient at holding a position against attack. The Berserkers were grouped into a series of villages, given a support staff, and lived a semi-rural existence when they were not training, playing war games with one another, or on assignment. The Alliance began to see results and surreptitiously involved themselves, taking a more active hand in the development of the program. Medical professionals administered various pharmaceuticals as part of their usual regimen, designed to augment their already aggressive tendencies and open them to suggestion. [i]Their[/i] goal was to create something akin to highly trained, controllable Reavers. They began to see their own results, be they varied and often bloody. It did not work the way they had hoped. After the River Tam Incident, government officials funding the Berserker program started getting nervous and began slowly withdrawing support. When the Miranda recording went public, the Alliance pulled out of Fenrir entirely, taking their money with them. The Fenrir Group faltered for a while and inevitably shut down, leaving all indigenous personnel to see to their own affairs. Many decided to remain in their communities, living off of the land and trading with one another. Others repurposed the facilities left behind by Fenrir. A large section of Borr was essentially its own entity at that point, populated by very angry, specifically trained soldiers and their growing families. The Reaver attacks lessened to something more manageable. It was assumed that the Alliance had done [i]something[/i] to lure them there. It was around this time than most of the Himinbjorg system united under the banner of New Kalmar, officially declaring their independence from The Alliance. In practice, all that meant was a refusal to pay taxes, denial of Alliance vessels' refueling rights, and the loose establishment of a Merchant Marine fleet. Bridgette was angry. Many others were angry, too. They were used, experimented upon, sent into battle to die just to test the Alliance's latest toy soldier. If they made a mistake, it was to recreate the Vikings of ancient Earth-That-Was and then piss them off. Maybe one day they will even the scales, but until then, Bridgette will not forget. Until a good opportunity presents itself, she has opted to use the skills given to her by Fenrir to make a living in the wider 'Verse. [hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=orangered][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=orangered]Character Quotes:[/color][/b] "Back up. You're stepping on my dick." "There's fuckery afoot!" "Frost your [i]fucking tits[/i], lady!" "What the fucking fuck is fucking wrong with that fuck? FUCK!" "Yeah, like [i]you've[/i] never given a handie for a ride offworld." "Oh, I'm going to make a new bitchskin rug out of [i]you[/i]. "If it was raining cunts outside, you'd still find some way to get slapped in the face with a dick." "Hey asshole! I'm about to come over there and fuck-start your head!" "I do not 'spew profanities'. I enunciate them clearly, like a fucking lady." "I wouldn't fuck you if squirrels were gnawing my tits off and you had the last jar of peanut butter to lure them off me." [b][color=orangered]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [center][hider=Nightwish - End Of All Hope] [Youtube][/youtube] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Blue Valkyrie Now Has Reflective Shot] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider][/center] [b][color=orangered]Alliance Record:[/color][/b] Does surviving count? It didn't seem like they wanted her to. No record, nothing official. [b][color=orangered]Anything Else:[/color][/b] Link to previous post: [url=]Malfunctioning Space Toilet[/url] Favorite character: Jayne Cobb (such a cunning hat) Faceclaim: Gaia Weiss [hider=Fun Facts & Trivia] - Bridgette is an excellent bodyguard, personal escort, or general muscle. Her abilities as an armorer, metalsmith, and tactician round out her usefulness to a group. And while she isn't so good at making friends among polite society, Bridgette is great with animals, especially horses. Bridgette is prone to the occasional nightmare. She has seen and done more than would make a less stable person crack, yet she remains mostly mentally intact. Mostly. She does have a mild form of what used to be called "PTSD", explaining some of her more volatile actions. It can flare into something more, given proper stimuli. Traces of her psychological conditioning remain. In the heat of combat, she leans toward following the orders of anyone she considers a superior without hesitation, unless obviously extenuating circumstances are involved. Otherwise, she lives up to the name of her former occupation: Berserker. More than just being a "good soldier", she (and others like her) were once a calamity, a series of ravenous, living weapons used to defend an area or inflict harm at the point of a finger. Though something of a melee specialist, Bridgette is familiar with the operation of guns. And grenade launchers. And flamethrowers. And mounted, heavy weapons. They're just harder to pack in a utility trunk. Everything that Bridgette owns can be packed away in her trunk with minimal effort. She basically lives out of it. As long as she can string her hammock up someplace, she can bunk just about anywhere with overhead shelter. The lady has a fondness for video games, many of which she maintains on her cortex terminal. Bridgette still has family back on Aesir, notably a father who now runs a gymnasium in Malmo, a city built into the cliffs surrounding a fjord. She has a younger (half)sister and another, much younger sister that is rumored to actually be her daughter, though this is uncorroborated. If things keep going as they are, likely a Stepmother soon as well. (Dad was busy) Also, while not family in a traditional sense, she still has a number of brothers and sisters-in-arms that chose to settle on Borr, one of Aesir's moons, where she took her training with Fenrir. This second home is a fortified place the locals call "Castle Town", or just "The Castle". Bridgette's favorite word, obviously, is "Fuck". Well, it might not be her favorite, but it is one which she uses with great frequency, proficiency, and diversity. She is trying to learn Norwegian, a language spoken with some frequency in the Himinbjorg system. Right now she only knows a few basics, but has a [i]really[/i] good grasp on swearing. The unique nature and specialization of the Berserker program, coupled with the often volatile effects of Alliance interference and experimentation, have earned the survivors the unfortunate nickname of "Toy Soldiers" or the more condescending "Broken Toy Soldiers" amongst certain circles in the Alliance. It is not something Bridgette prefers to tolerate. Against all logic or odds, Bridgette is a descendant of Rose Nylund. More to follow. [/hider] [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy.[/color][/sub][/hider]