[h2]Othianne Phorensia Obberhausen[/h2] "It seems to be about time. We need to go to the meeting, Caster," Othis said to her Servant a few minutes before the appointed time for their strategic meeting. Caster was a pretty idiosyncratic being for an infamous witch from the Greek Age of Gods—as far as Othis was concerned, at least— but even she was unlikely to refuse an invitation coming directly from their patron. After all, if it wasn't for the Tohsaka's interest in this ritual, Caster would never have the chance to be summoned in this world. Nevertheless, it wasn't in Othis' interest to strain her relationship with her Servant by forcing her to do anything she may not want, thus the youngish magus left the ultimate decision of whether to go or not on Caster's hands. A few minutes later. "Greetings, Lady Shion," Othis said as soon as she arrived at the tea party. She was exactly five minutes ahead of the appointed time, a measure carefully taken considering her host's fixation with British culture, most likely including their famed punctuality. "My teacher spoke well of your family," she said as soon as she had been given permission to sit and wait for the others who had yet to come.