Tess Mercer was on her way to the school nurse for her mandatory psychiatric medication. When a big dumb asshole thought it would be funny to trip her at the top of the stairs. She caught herself on the handrail. She had enough this guy's shit. She forced him into fight, which wasn't hard she just had to insult the size of his manhood. "Big strong 'man' like you can't fight little ol' me one on one you have to result to petty trickery. You must be overcompensating for the fact that your manhood is smaller than dung beetle." He lunged at her, but being the moron he was he didn't think about the stairs behind her, she stepped out of the way and let him fall down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs he was writhing and screaming in pain. She went down the stairs. "Looks like you want be attending college on a jockship Dung Beetle." She went to the school nurse's office. "Nurse a kid just fell down the stairs. You might want to call for an ambulance, pretty sure I saw a bone sticking out of his leg."