[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@Searat][@Kazemitsu] The feedback from [b][Tremor Sense I][/b] wasn't much, but it was still somewhat interesting nonetheless. However, Jason's attempt at telepathy yielded much more incredible results. The feeling that Jason could detect was somewhat similar to how his Mana behaved when he used Earth elemental spells. It was not so much that he controlled a flow of energy, or generated a certain type of power, but that whatever Mana he was putting into this--this “focus” of his own mind, this “invisible connection” between himself and another being--the Mana he put into it would pool up, and then “suffuse” the subject. Wanting to immediately test his theory, Jason once again centered his mind on the 'focus', feeling the Mana pool up before relaying each piece [color=darkred]"[i]Can. You. Hear. Me?[/i]"[/color] he tried to say, being careful not to speak out loud. Pulling away from Asura, Jason awaited his comrade's response. Suddenly, slow movement at the edge of the pool caught Jason's attention. Turning to face it, he saw a dire rat.... listening to them? Could this be another reincarnated human? [color=darkred]"Hello"[/color] he said in a soft voice, slowly moving toward the newcomer, [color=darkred]"Can you speak too? If so, we mean you no harm. My name is Jason, what's yours?"[/color]