Not really into the concept. I have done it in the past and it has worked but over all, not my favorite thing to do. Now having say a list of positions needed filled is one I do more often. Example: We need a pilot, engineer, doctor, etc. I will have to restrict allowing in certain genders from time to time if things become too lop sided. I try to keep a general over all population of no more than 40%/60% gender. Just don't want too much of one or the other to stay true to general population. Now, if it say a certain government type or religious fraction, it would sway over all more one way or another for various reasons but over all I like to stay as close to 50/50 down the line. (Might not seem like a big issue but I have had runs where we'd have like 12-15 females and like 2 men, lol. It's a bit unbelievable if you are trying to stick to a ~realistic scenario~ Used to get bad but for the most part these days I don't have to worry, my peeps are good at gender swapping.